WISERD Annual Conference: Speaker Titles Confirmed & PhD Student Competition Extension

Updates on the WISERD Annual Conference!

The WISERD Annual Conference offers delegates an insight into current social science research through keynote addresses, plenary sessions, workshops and exhibitions.

For more information on the Conference and to book visit: www.wiserd.ac.uk/training-events/annual-conference-2016/

This year’s speaker titles are now confirmed:

  • The Right Honourable Rhodri Morgan – The Services/Manufacturing Balance and the Welsh Economic Recovery
  • Ottón Solís, Founder member of Citizen’s Action Party (PAC) Costa Rica – Corruption, Democracy and Development: The Impossible Wedlock
  • Andrew Oswald, Professor of Economics, University of Warwick – Happiness around the World: An Introduction to the Scientific Evidence
  • Professor David Grusky, Professor of Sociology, Stanford University – ‘The Death of the American Dream?’ New Evidence on Trends in Social Mobility from Administrative and Survey Data
  • Professor Mike Hout, Professor of Sociology, New York University – Estimating the Total Effects of Social Origins

There is also an extension on the PhD student competitions submissions!

  • ESRC Wales Doctoral Training Centre & Learned Society for Wales – Student Poster Competition

As in previous years, currently-registered PhD students attending the conference are invited to submit a poster. Posters will be displayed throughout the event so that all conference delegates can view them. The Learned Society for Wales is sponsoring a cash prize of £200 for best poster, and this will be awarded during the conference.

For further details on the poster layout, size and orientation requirements for this conference, please consult the poster presentation guidelines, which can be found here.

Poster submissions must be made online by 1st July 2016 at http://wiserd2016.exordo.com/login

  • ESRC Wales Doctoral Training Centre – “3MEI” – Three-minute Engagement/Impact Session & Prize

We would also like to invite you to enter our 3MEI session. This session is modelled on the well-known ‘Three minute thesis’ format. At the session you are invited to present (using one projected slide and in strictly no more than three minutes) an account of challenges and/or achievements in their research with respect to engagement and/or impact.

The ESRC Wales DTC is sponsoring a prize for best ‘3MEI’ in the form of a selection of recent books from two leading social science publishers, up to the value of £150. This will be awarded during the conference. The session will be friendly and informal in nature, and will run alongside the exhibition session at the event.

Rules, Judging Criteria and other top tips can be found here. 

We have a limited number of slots available for this session, so please register to participate in the 3MT Competition before revised deadline: 1st July 2016, by sending an email with 3MEI in the subject box to wiserdannualconference@cf.ac.uk

Come and join Wales’ largest social science conference!

This year’s conference will be held on Wednesday 13th July to Thursday 14th July 2016 at the Great Hall, Swansea University Bay Campus.

For more information or to book visit: www.wiserd.ac.uk/training-events/annual-conference-2016/
