This WAS a combined event with the University of Bristol hosted by Cardiff University School of Social Sciences (WISERD, CASCADE and CISHeW) and welcoming visiting academic Dr Anne Harju from Malmӧ University in Sweden whose current research explores the experiences of children living in poverty and their thoughts and experiences of inclusion and segregation in Malmo through child-focused research approaches.
Dr Debbie Watson and colleagues from Bristol presentED the work that has been under way with grassroots organisations in Bristol to achieve UNICEF recognition as a ‘child friendly city‘. The organisations involved (Architecture Centre, Playing Out and Room13 Hareclive) also presentED. Researchers from CASCADE presentED some of their research and their interest in the use of public space in the city in the context of public service cuts
The aim of the event was to share experiences and discuss possible collaborations between the three universities. The event was open to academic staff, PhD students, community organisations and people working in relevant areas of policy and practice.