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Handbook to the Politics of China cover
Education: from egalitarian ideology to public policy

The chapter focuses on the evolution of education as public policy in contemporary China, that is the period since Deng Xiaoping’s Opening-Up and Market Reform of the economy. This has seen extensive changes to the provision and content of China’s formal education system generally, and especially higher education; and in the relationship between education, the…

Handbook of Education in China

The Handbook of Education in China provides both a comprehensive overview and an original interpretation of key aspects of education in the People’s Republic of China. It has four parts: The Historical Background; The Contemporary Chinese System; Problems and Policies; The Special Administrative Regions: Macau and Hong Kong. The Handbook is an essential reference for…

Book Cover
Moving to find a job: Chinese Masters’ degree graduates and internal migration

It is clear that graduates from Chinese higher education, like their counterparts elsewhere in the world, expect to find employment which provides a return on the investment they and their families have made in their formal education and training. They aspire also to employment appropriate to the level of education they have achieved and which…

Book Cover
Private Higher Education in China: Problems and Possibilities

Introduction The Chinese higher education system has been undergoing a rapid and farreaching transition (Min, 2005) with the changes driven particularly by accelerating globalization (UNESCO, 2003). One of the most fundamental changes is that private higher education, which began from zero, has very quickly assumed an increasingly important role in the expansion of higher education….