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Journal cover
Change in alcohol outlet density and alcohol-related harm to population health (CHALICE): a comprehensive record-linked database study in Wales

Excess alcohol consumption has serious adverse effects on health and results in violence-related harm. This study investigated the impact of change in community alcohol availability on alcohol consumption and alcohol-related harms to health, assessing the effect of population migration and small-area deprivation. This complex interdisciplinary study found that important alcohol-related harms were associated with change…

Article front page
Change in alcohol outlet density and alcohol-related harm to population health (CHALICE)

Excess alcohol consumption has serious adverse effects on health and violence-related harm. In the UK around 37% of men and 29% of women drink to excess and 20% and 13% report binge drinking. The potential impact on population health from a reduction in consumption is considerable. One proposed method to reduce consumption is to reduce…