Picture showing silhouette of a miner looking at sign that reads "This colliery is now managed by the National Coal Board on behalf of the people"

Panel Two: The Nationalised Industries, the economy and employment, 1947-1993.  Chair: Jim Phillips (Glasgow).  15.00 – 16.45


Keith Gildart (Wolverhampton): The NCB and Pit Closures in North Wales.

Ewan Gibbs (West of Scotland): “The chance tae move anywhere in Britain”: Scottish Coalfield Restructuring and Labour Migration 1947-74.

Helen Blakely (Cardiff): A collective memory of collective action: Biographies of Unionism from the South Wales Coalfield.


Helen Blakely presented the findings of research which identify the importance of history, place and kinship in understanding trade union membership in contemporary society.


Conference programme

Conference report