Co-production of social care is a key component of the Social Services and Well-being agenda that seeks to transform the development and delivery of social care provision with an emphasis on empowering service users and user-led services to develop new models of care.
Social care services in Wales are facing an unprecedented increase in demand. To meet this escalating demand, whilst simultaneously maintaining equitable and sustainable social care services, the Welsh Government’s Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Bill states that everyone “from Government to front line delivery must be prepared to think differently about how services are commissioned and delivered”.
Co-production of social care is a key component of the Social Services and Well-being agenda that seeks to transform the development and delivery of social care provision with an emphasis on empowering service users and user-led services to develop new models of care.
This free seminar event focusedĀ on:
- Achieving co-production in practice – tools and techniques and maximising opportunities
- Co-designing, particularly budgeting, alliance contracting and collaborative working
- Measuring outcomes from co-production
There were opportunities to network with others over lunch, learn about examples of successful co-production initiatives from guest speakers from across Wales and the North West of England and take part in world care discussions.