ESRC and ESRC Festival of Social Sciences logos

The event will introduce WISERD’s free data mapping and data search and discovery tool, the WISERD DataPortal.

The DataPortal allows users to discover social, demographic and economic data relating to Wales. This includes data from a variety of sources, such as the Office for National Statistics and Welsh Government, and disciplines, such as health, education, employment and demographic data from the Census.

Once you have found the relevant data, you can use the DataPortal to map these data, or download them for further analysis.

This workshop will show you how to use the DataPortal to access and map social and economic data made freely available as data feeds by UK and Welsh Governments. You will also learn how to use the DataPortal to map your own data, or combine it with other data. We will run through a series of case studies, to give you an impression of how others have used the DataPortal, before giving you an opportunity to work through a range of scenarios where the DataPortal may be useful, under the guidance of the presenters.

Workshop participants will be able to provide feedback on the DataPortal and how it could be improved.

Feel free to bring your own data with you. This can be anything from a simple spreadsheet containing member or service user information to more complex research data. Your data should contain geographic identifiers (e.g. postcodes or geographic area names/codes), which will allow it to be used with the DataPortal. There will be some time at the end of the workshop for one of our presenters to offer advice and guidance on using your data with the DataPortal.

Who should attend?

This workshop is for those who work in voluntary sector or civil society organisations, policy makers and researchers.

One-to-one research project support

After this workshop, participants from third sector organisations will be able to apply for free, one-to-one support to continue to use the DataPortal to carry out a piece of research. The project must be related to Wales and use existing data sources. WISERD can provide assistance and training on using the DataPortal, advice on the types of data available and how it can be used, help and advice on mapping and basic analysis, and assistance with data.


2:00pm – Introduction/Log on

2:10pm – Presentation/ Live demo

2:40pm – Case study presentations

2:50pm – Break

3:00pm – Structured Workshop: Scenarios

3:30pm – Workshop ‘play around’ with DataPortal

3.50pm – Q&A and feedback

4.00pm – Close