‘What small business can do?’: Professor Karel Williams, Professor of Accounting and Political Economy. Manchester Business School, argues as the Thatcher/Blair experiment comes apart on its own contradictions, it is time to question the assumption that small business is an economic dynamo which can solve our national problem by adding jobs or growing fast.

Presented by Professor Karel Williams, Professor of Accounting and Political Economy in Manchester Business School.


FSB Wales was pleased to announce our Round Table Seminar Programme for 2014, in which a series of thought-provoking speakers presented aspects of their latest research. We hoped that the seminar series would be of interest to the small business community, politicians, policy-makers, researchers, students and anyone with an interest in the Welsh economy.

FSB Wales in conjunction with Cardiff University Business School and the Institute of Welsh Affairs.


What small business can do?   

Professor Karel Williams argues as the Thatcher/Blair experiment comes apart on its own contradictions, it is time to question the assumption that small business is an economic dynamo which can solve our national problem by adding jobs or growing fast.  Small business is more a social estate which is valuable as a kind of economic and political centre of gravity. We also need to question the assumption that less taxation and regulation will give us more dynamic small business. The big problem of small business is demand where the constraints are big business behaviour and the macro trajectory of boom and bust.