The UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence (CaCHE) is a joint collaboration between ten universities and three non-higher education organisations. The centre aims to produce evidence that will shape UK policy and tackle chronic housing problems. The Centre brings some of the UK’s leading experts together to focus on seven key areas. These include: the impact of housing on the economy; understanding housing markets; housing choice; housing poverty; neighbourhood design; the impact on housing as a result of multi-level governance; and homelessness. The Centre consists of five regional hubs in Glasgow, Sheffield, London/Reading, Cardiff and Belfast. The Cardiff HUB is based at the Wales Housing Research Network in WISERD.
On Wednesday 13th December representatives from the Centre’s Executive team will be launching the Welsh hub and discussing opportunities for engagement with the centre. This will also be the first opportunity to begin to discuss key housing evidence needs in Wales. The event will be of interest to anyone with an interest in housing evidence and policy.
13.00-13.30 Tea and coffee
13.30-13.40 Introduction and welcome, Dr. Peter Mackie and Dr. Bob Smith, Cardiff University
13.40-14.10 Introducing the UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence, Professor Craig Watkins, Sheffield University and Claire Martin, Glasgow University
14.10-14.30 Q&A
14.30-15.10 Housing Evidence gaps in Wales: brief presentations delivered by key actors in Welsh housing policy and research
15:10-15:20 the Public Value of Statistics on Housing and Planning in the UK. Sara James and Robert Lee, Office for Statistics Regulation
15.20-16.00 Panel discussion
16.00-16.30 Tea, coffee, Welsh cakes and networking