This introductory day of seminars is suitable for beginners in multilevel modelling.


Andrew Cullis – ESRC National Centre for Research Methods (NCRM)

Lisa Walters – National Survey for Wales team, Welsh Government

This introductory day of seminars was suitable for beginners in multilevel modelling. It was designed for those who wished to learn about using multilevel modelling methods to analyse survey data and in particular those who would have liked to analyse the National Survey for Wales using these techniques.

The course will have introduced participants to the National Survey for Wales and provide an overview of its contents, methodology and how to get access to the data for analysis.  It will have discussed some of the basic theory involved in multilevel modelling and how it can be applied using the multilevel modelling software ‘MLwiN’.  Finally, a recent project by NCRM was presented to demonstrate how multilevel modelling has been used to analyse the National Survey for Wales.

Some background information on the National Survey is available at

Prerequisites: No previous knowledge of multilevel modelling was required but familiarity with standard (single level) multiple regression techniques was assumed.


09.30-09.50 Registration
09.50-10.00 Welcome and introduction to the day
10:00-10.50 Introduction and overview of the National Survey for Wales
10.50-11.10 Tea/coffee break
11.10-12.40 Multilevel Modelling – Session 1–Introduction to theory
12.40-13.30 Lunch break
13.30-15.00 Multilevel Modelling – Session 2 – Introduction to theory (continued)
15.00-15.20 Tea/coffee break
15.20-16.00 Multilevel Modelling – Session 3 – Exemplar Session – ‘An analysis of National Survey for Wales using MLM’


16.00-16.15 Final remarks