Our challenge is making things work when market and state are not delivering foundational liveability. With the “cost of living crisis“ markets are not reliably and affordably providing essentials like energy and food for low and medium income households. Governments struggle to manage short term crises and dodge the long term costs of system renewal. While “welfare state” entitlement through social insurance, income transfer and subsidised services is increasingly stressed.

The foundational question is whether and how different actors can address these problems with social innovation focused on the objectives of improving household liveability and building the stock of capable firms within planetary limits. Adaptive reuse of systems of provision is difficult when such systems resist change, innovation does not lead to sustainable success and top down policy roll outs will not work. So the conference brings  together researchers and practitioners in themed sessions which explore foundational issues and interventions from Wales, the rest of the UK and all across Europe. We will have sessions on:

  • Rebuilding foundational systems
  • Regressive utility charging
  • Localising supply chains
  • Community economic development
  • Income, space and time
  • Bringing care into healthcare
  • Delivering free school meals
  • Developing community infrastructure and facilities