In a two-hour workshop, Annette Lareau will meet with younger scholars, including PhD students, post doctoral researchers and early career researchers. Each participant should be planning data collection using qualitative methods such as in-depth interviewing or participant-observation or be in the middle of data collection.

10 days before the workshop, each participant will be asked to share a memo, between 500 to 750 words, describing their research question (broadly conceived), the literature they are using, their research design, and so forth. In the memo, the participant should raise a question, challenge, or concern they are facing in their study. The memos should be fully blinded so as to not reveal any confidential information. Annette Lareau, and all of the other workshop participants, will read the memos ahead of the workshop.

In the workshop, Annette Lareau will talk with each of the participants, ask additional questions, and reflect on the challenges possibly suggesting alternative pathways for addressing the concern. Most of the issues seminar participants face are likely to raise common questions and concerns in carrying out qualitative research in the real world. Thus, other research participants are likely to find the experiences of others in the seminars to be of interest.

Annette Lareau will begin the seminar with brief introductory comments. Ideally, workshop participants will have read her book, Listening to People: A Practical Guide to Interviewing, Participant Observation, Data Analysis, and Writing It All Up, before the seminar.

Please note, places are limited and will be offered to WISERD researchers in the first instance, before being made more widely available. If you are interested in taking part, please email or telephone 029 2087 5260 and we would be delighted to add you to our waiting list.