Presented by Rhian Barrance and Esther Muddiman

This interactive event will present research on school student protest in the UK. School student protest has received growing coverage in the media over the last few years. Much of this has been linked to global and international issues such as the climate strikes. However, there have also been reports of pupil protest on school policies, practices and cultures. These centre around a range of issues, including racial and gender discrimination, school facilities, and uniform rules.

The event will look at the history of school student protest over the last twenty years – considering how pupil motivations and protest tactics have changed over time. It will ask what leads young people to participate in protest on school grounds and how they are protesting, considering the influence of social media on the recent wave of school protests.

The event will provide opportunities for the audience to give their experiences of school protest and to ask questions to the panel about their research.

ESRC Festival of Social Science 2023 website.