This event was aimed at those in the voluntary sector with an interest in either using or doing research. It was aimed particularly at those who may have an idea for research based around their client groups but are not experienced in either questionnaire design or interviewing. This was an introductory hands-on session which will give you a taste of doing research. The presenters are all experienced researchers with experience of working with the community.
10.00 Registration, coffee
10.15 Welcome
10.30 Introduction to research methods
11.00 What research do you want to do? Thinking about research questions and ways of tackling them.
11.15 Coffee break
11.30 Feedback and introduction to sampling
12.15 Research design exercise
12.45 Lunch
1.30 Group 1 interviewing exercise, group 2 survey design exercise
2.15 Group 1 survey design exercise group 2 interviewing exercise
3.00 Feedback and plenary
3.30 Close