This half-day event brings together experts from the National Assembly for Wales to explain how, when and who to engage with in a devolved Welsh context. Experts from the National Assembly for Wales will give talks the best way to engage with the assembly using your research. This will include details of initiatives and routes into engagement. The Wales Governance Centre’s Professor Roger Scully will then reflect on his wealth of experience in giving evidence at National Assembly for Wales committees. The event will conclude with key points for you to take away. Following the day WISERD will compile a blog summarising lessons learnt and the key themes covered.
The format will be as follows:
09:00-09:30 Registration, Tea / coffee, Mayor’s Parlour room 0.12, Glamorgan Building
09:30-09:40 Introduction to the day, Council Chambers, Glamorgan Building
09:40-10:05 Engaging with National Assembly for Wales committees: beyond consultation, Jon Antoniazzi, Committee Clerk, National Assembly for Wales
10:05-10:30 Engaging with the Assembly’s Research Service, Graham Winter, National Assembly for Wales Research Service
10:30-10:55 National Assembly for Wales engagement, Kevin Davies, National Assembly for Wales Youth Engagement Team
10:55-11:15 Tea / coffee, Mayor’s Parlour room 0.12, Glamorgan Building
11:15-12:15 Evidence in action
12:15-12:45 Giving Evidence, Professor Roger Scully, Wales Governance Centre Cardiff University
12:45-13:00 Summary and key points to take away
13:00-13:30 Lunch, Mayor’s Parlour room 0.12, Glamorgan Building