News and Blog

‘Race, gender and the stereotyping of young people’s role models’

Further coverage on school pupil’s modern day heroes and villains from WISERD Education on an article published by The Conversation and Celeb Youth, can be accessed below. The Conversation – Celeb youth –

‘Tunnels and channels’ – The Economist

Professor Stephen Drinkwater is quoted in an article in The Economist looking at Eastern Europeans and migration, which can be accessed via the link below.

‘The cult of celebrity: school children’s modern day heroes’ – My Science UK

Professor Sally Power and Dr Kevin Smith received coverage from their research into which famous people school pupils most admire and dislike.  The findings reveal that the most admired are celebrities and sportspeople, with Jessie J, Taylor Swift and Beyoncé achieving the top three positions. The coverage, published on My Science UK, can be accessed via…