News and Blog

New WISERD fieldwork explores the contemporary citizenship rights of indigenous people in south India

Professors Paul Chaney (Cardiff University) and Sarbeswar Sahoo (IIT Delhi) (pictured), in association with Dr Reenu Punnoose (IIT Palakkad) and Dr Haneefa Muhammed have been conducting fieldwork examining civil society perspectives on the contemporary citizenship rights of indigenous people in south India. This is part of research funded by the Academy of Medical Sciences. By…

Our time working at the WISERD Annual Conference 2024

Over the summer holidays, we were delighted to host two Cardiff University undergraduate students as part of our WISERD hub team. As administrative assistants, Genevieve Gunn and Afon Hoare helped us to deliver our WISERD Annual Conference 2024. We asked the students to write about their experience… Genevieve Gunn “As a final year International Relations…

Cultural genocide? Exploring civil society perspectives on the contemporary human rights situation of indigenous people in Bolivia

A new study by Professor Paul Chaney examines civil society perspectives on the contemporary human rights situation of indigenous people in Bolivia. It is part of research funded by the Academy of Medical Sciences undertaken in partnership with Professor Sarbeswar Sahoo (Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi) and Dr Reenu Punnoose (Indian Institute of Technology, Palakkad)….

Disability@Work invited to present evidence to the Welsh Parliament

Drawing on their written evidence submissions Professors Melanie Jones and Victoria Wass gave oral evidence to the Equality and Social Justice Committee on the barriers to employment for disabled people. During the discussion they highlighted the recommendations in the Disability Employment Charter, called for monitoring and analysis of broader measures of disability inequality in the…

7th Foundational Economy Conference

The 7th Foundational Economy Conference, entitled ‘Making things work: social innovation for liveability’ was held at sbarcIspark on the 10th and 11th of September 2024. It brought together researchers and practitioners in themed sessions that explored foundational issues and interventions from Wales, the rest of the UK and all across Europe. Our challenge is making…

Alan Felstead interviewed on BBC News about the ‘right to disconnect’

The UK’s new government has promised to take action to prevent homes ‘turning into 24/7 offices’.  The risk of ‘always on’ working has grown since the pandemic with the boundaries of home and work blurred for many more working people. Around a quarter of workers, for example, now report working some of the time at…

Welsh Higher Education Brussels hosts WISERD on study visit

In June, Welsh Higher Education Brussels (WHEB) hosted a group of early and mid-career researchers from WISERD, as part of their work in supporting researcher networking for future funding bids to Horizon Europe and other funding programmes. The group, from Aberystwyth University, Bangor University, Cardiff University and Swansea University, had meetings with key European organisations,…

New online tool matching voters with their ideal political party

During the General Election campaign, there was a deluge of political information, leaving many confused about which best fits their views. To tackle this issue, a project co-led by Swansea University and sponsored by WISERD created a new online voting tool. WhoGetsMyVote allows voters to match their positions on key policy issues to those of…

Importance of considering unmet health needs in persistent absence from school

Dr. Robert French is academic lead of ADR Wales’s education research programme. In this blog, he discusses his contribution to an inquiry begun by the UK Parliament examining persistent absence from school.  Levels of persistent absence from school amongst children have doubled since the Covid-19 pandemic. Statistics from the Department for Education show that, in England, one…

WISERD Annual Conference 2024

On the 3rd and 4th July, we held our WISERD Annual Conference 2024 at the University of South Wales and welcomed over 140 delegates from across the UK and beyond. Over 100 excellent posters and presentations come together under this year’s theme of ‘Aspiring to achieve a fairer society’. Professor Martin Steggall, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research)…