News and Blog

‘Tunnels and channels’ – The Economist

Professor Stephen Drinkwater is quoted in an article in The Economist looking at Eastern Europeans and migration, which can be accessed via the link below.

‘The cult of celebrity: school children’s modern day heroes’ – My Science UK

Professor Sally Power and Dr Kevin Smith received coverage from their research into which famous people school pupils most admire and dislike.  The findings reveal that the most admired are celebrities and sportspeople, with Jessie J, Taylor Swift and Beyoncé achieving the top three positions. The coverage, published on My Science UK, can be accessed via…

Women’s marginalisation in post-war UK politics

On 2nd February Prof Paul Chaney presented the findings of a recent study of political representation to a seminar organised by the Chwarae Teg Research Hub. The paper analysed the parliamentary scrutiny of the substantive representation of women (SRW) in UK Governments’ Post-War legislative programmes. The SRW refers to the situation whereby women’s needs and…

First Welsh Retail Summit hosted by WISERD in Cardiff

The inaugural Welsh Retail Summit considered the findings of a new report on Wales’s top 71 cities and towns which reveals increasing polarization between the best and the worst of our high streets. The report’s key findings were presented by Dr Scott Orford, WISERD, Cardiff University and Matthew Hopkinson, the Local Data Company, at Cardiff…

Jeremy Corbyn’s youth appeal: His support risks becoming dominated by people who won’t vote for him

On 19th January both the Labour Party’s internal report into the reason for its defeat in the 2015 general election, as well as the British Polling Council’s interim report looking at why the opinion polls had so spectacularly failed to predict the result, were published. A common theme in both documents was the over-dependence of both…

Making the case for the Social Sciences

  Telling stories has always been a good way to grab people’s attention and get them to understand what is important, but it’s not something that academic researchers are very accustomed to doing – after all, is it not a normal part of their training. However, carefully worded and nuanced academic reports – however precise…

WISERD Engagement – December Meetings of the Research User Group & Language, Culture and Identity Research Network

  Dr Ceryn Evans presents to the Research User Group   December has seen further key activities as part of WISERD’s engagement work. December 15th saw the meeting of WISERD’s Research User Group – whilst earlier in the month, the Language, Culture and Identity Research Network met on December 4th. Both are integral to linking…