News and Blog

WISERD visits the National Eisteddfod

For the first time, WISERD will be presenting research at the annual National Eisteddfod, taking placed this year in Montgomeryshire. The Eisteddfod Festival is the pinnacle of the Welsh cultural calendar. It travels from place to place, alternating between north and south Wales giving communities across the country a chance to welcome up to 160,000 visitors…

Stress, Environment and the Human Body

What effects do different environments have upon stress levels in the human body? What affect does it have upon our well-being and health? In order to test this in June 2014 WISERD’s biomapping project was invited by BBC Coast to ‘stress-test’ its presenter Nicholas Crane. The WISERD funded biomapping research project, led by Professor Chris Taylor (WISERD) and Dr Jon Anderson (CPLAN), ‘stress-tested’ the BBC…

‘Making the Case for Social Science in Wales’ has now launched

WISERD, in partnership with the Research Institute for Applied Social Science (RIASS) and the Academy of Social Science, have today launched a new booklet showcasing the vast array of social science research taking place in Wales; titled ‘Making the Case for the Social Sciences 10 – Wales’. It includes a new study by Welsh researchers which…

WISERD Honorary Professor Chairs Expert UNESCO Panel on Education

Professor W. John Morgan, an honorary professor at WISERD and the Cardiff School of Social Sciences, has co-chaired a senior panel of experts that has produced a major report for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) on the future of education in the 21st century. Professor Morgan was appointed to chair the panel…

WISERD Toasts Another Successful Annual Conference

Last week the 6th Annual Wales Institute of Social & Economic Research, Data & Methods (WISERD) Conference took place at Cardiff’s iconic Millennium Stadium. The WISERD Conference is the largest of its kind in Wales, and brings together practitioners, policy makers and social scientists to discuss and debate a range of topical themes such as health; social care; wellbeing;…

Well-Being and Six Features of the Human Condition

The concept of well-being is very slippery as it has many different meanings and applications. With politicians and governments increasingly using it as an adjudicating value for how policies should be formulated and implemented (including, most recently, the Welsh Government’s Social Services and Well-being Act 2014), it has become especially important to take a step back…

One Week Until WISERD 2015 Annual Conference

Wales’ Largest Social Science Conference Comes to Cardiff Wales’ largest social science conference is taking place at Cardiff’s Millennium Stadium next week. Now in its sixth year, the Wales Institute of Social & Economic Research, Data & Methods (WISERD) Annual Conference brings together practitioners, policy makers and social scientists to discuss and debate a range…