Qualitative Researcher, 10 pp 1-2

This issue of Qualitative Researcher contains articles which reflect some of the ways in which Qualiti, the Cardiff Node of the ESRC National Centre for Research Methods has sought to engage
with methodological development and research capacity building over the last three years or more. The original aims of Qualiti included advancing innovative and ethical methodological practice,
promoting the integration of different qualitative approaches and data, and enhancing the role of qualitative research in the public domain. Over and above these, we have been keen to develop the research capacity of the social science community in relation to advancing qualitative research methods in the context of new methodological agendas. Qualitative Researcher was established by Qualiti as one mechanism for enhancing the community of practice of qualitative research – for building networks, sharing innovative developments and engaging in reflective debate. Over ten issues we have covered a wide range of topics and issues – including mobile methods, online research, (auto)biographical research practice, participatory approaches, deliberative methods, research ethics, researcher risk and documentary methods – as well as providing a platform for sharing opportunities for, and experiences of, research capacity building. We have been pleased by the contributions and interest we have had from the UK social science community, and hope that future issues will continue to build on this work.