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Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers journal cover
Accessibility and public service provision: Evaluating the impacts of the Post Office Network Change Programme in the UK

The importance of public service provision and accessibility in shaping government policies aimed at enhancing social inclusion and ensuring social justice in the UK is well founded. The capabilities of GIS for generating information to address such concerns have facilitated a widespread interest in measuring and analysing accessibility to public services. Previous studies have drawn…

Journal Cover
Seeders, Leechers and Social Norms: Evidence from the Market for Illicit Digital Downloading

The sharing of files via peer-to-peer (P2P) and related networks has become a hugely contentious issue in recent years, with the music industry citing this practice as a significant threat to intellectual property rights and the long term financial viability of its activities. Using Finnish data, this study examines the apparent determinants and factors associated…

Shock Persistence in Output and the Role of Stochastic Population Growth

This paper illustrates both analytically and empirically that stochastic long-memory in economic growth arises due to the presence of a long-memory in population growth. Specifically, we show that the long-run conditional mean and variances of economic growth are functions of stochastic long-memory in demographic system. This is well-supported by an empirical example.

Journal cover
Power, Agency and Participatory Agendas: A Critical Exploration of Young People’s Engagement in Participative Qualitative Research

This article critically explores data generated within a participatory research project with young people in the care of a local authority, the (Extra)ordinary Lives project. The project involved ethnographic multi-media data generation methods used in groups and individually with eight participants (aged 10—20) over a school year and encouraged critical reflexive practices throughout. The article…

Front cover Living wage report 2010
An Economic Analysis of the Implications of introducing a Living Wage in Wales

WAG’s policies on area regeneration, child poverty, public service provision, equality and workforce development all help Wales move closer towards the vision set out in the One Wales coalition agreement. If introduced, a Living Wage policy has the potential to make a further contribution towards many of these policy areas and the overall One Wales…

Book cover
Bernstein: Codes and Social Class

While accepting that the concept of restricted code has a troubled history that resulted in Bernstein being associated with deficit models of working-class life, it is argued that the concept should be re-imagined rather than abandoned. Bernstein’s early work refers to restricted code as a form of condensed shorthand established through familiarity that was not…

Journal of Intergenerational Relationships 8(3)
Grandfathers in contemporary families: Evidence from qualitative research

In recent years, research into grandparenthood has gained considerable momentum, particularly in the United States and increasingly in Europe. However, there has been little research focusing on understanding the contribution of grandfathers. While the perception of grandmothers as more involved than grandfathers remains commonplace, some recent research provides indications of a more changing picture. In…

Journal Cover
Limits to ‘thinking space relationally’

This paper is written by a geographer and discusses the importance of ‘thinking space relationally’ in, and for, the social sciences. According to its advocates, relational thinking insists on an open-ended, mobile, networked and actor-centred geographic becoming. I position relational space within the lineage of philosophical approaches to space, drawing on examples taken mainly from…

In-work Poverty in the East Midlands

In-work Poverty in the East Midlands was commissioned by emda to provide a detailed assessment of the issue of in-work poverty in the East Midlands and its implications for regional economic performance. The research, and this report, is based on four substantive elements: a systematic literature review on in-work poverty; an analysis of the scale…

journal article
Realizing the ‘Learning Country’? Research Activity and Capacity Within Welsh Local Authorities

Since devolution in 1999, the Welsh Assembly Government has developed an increasingly ambitious agenda for education in Wales. Local authorities in Wales, perhaps more so than elsewhere in the UK, are seen as playing a crucial role in interpreting, delivering and evaluating this programme. However, they face combined difficulties of resource constraint and diseconomies of…