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Title Page of Report
The effects of selecting multiple respondents per household for a survey of people in paid work: A statistical and cost assessment

For PAF based surveys such as the Skills and Employment Survey a decision is needed on the number of working adults to select per household. In the past the SES has always selected just one, with the selection being at random from all working adults in the household. But other options are to select all…

Rural Transformations
Agribusiness Towns, Globalization and Development in Rural Australia and Brazil

The globalization of agriculture is reconfiguring the geography of farming, with increasing concentration of commodity production in favourable regions recast as ‘global farmlands’. Such areas have become targets for investment by transnational agribusiness. In such localities, the influence of agribusiness can shape local political processes, land and labour markets, and processes of urban development. This…

The Politics of International Intellectual Cooperation - article
The Politics of International Intellectual Cooperation – Sustain our Common Humanity

The 20th century saw the catastrophes of the First and Second World Wars. International intellectual cooperation was considered necessary if humanity were to renew civilized society and build a prosperous economy to the benefit of all. Such exchange also became an instrument of ideological “soft-power” or cultural diplomacy, using propaganda, and exploiting the arts, sciences,…

Journal Cover
Communities of/for Interest: Revisiting the Role of Migrants’ Online Groups

This article offers a critical examination of the role played by migrants’ online communities. With much of scholarly analysis focusing on the new ways in which online groups enable migrants to connect, interact or socialise together in digital space, little attention has been paid to how these groups are actually formed, by whom and with…

analysing the trust transparency nexus cover
Analysing the Trust-Transparency Nexus: Multi-level governance in the UK, France & Germany

Civil Society Book Series Forthcoming 2022 Is transparency a necessary condition to build and restore citizen and civil society trust in governance and democracy? Throughout Europe there is a growing demand for effective forms of citizen engagement and decentralisation in policy making to increase trust and engage increasingly diverse populations. This volume addresses the relationship…

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The use and costs of paid and unpaid care for people with dementia: longitudinal findings from the IDEAL cohort programme

The drivers of costs of care for people with dementia are not well understood and little is known on the costs of care for those with rarer dementias. Objective:To characterize use and costs of paid and unpaid care over time in a cohort of people with dementia living in Britain. To explore the relationship between…