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European Journal of Homelessness. Volume 15 issue 3, 2021
The Promises and Pitfalls of Administrative Data Linkage for Tackling Homelessness

To meet the challenges of tackling homelessness in a changing world, we need to understand its extent, causes, and consequences, and the impacts of efforts to prevent and alleviate it. Robust evidence from a diverse range of sources is therefore required to inform policy making and service delivery. One approach to meeting this need is…

Session Scaling Citizenship. AAG Annual Meeting
Are Emerging Digital Citizenship Regimes Rescaling Nation-States? Datafied States and Algorithmic Nations at Stake

State institutions may have already monopolized contemporary practices around citizenship. Actually, so far, traditional approaches around citizenship have framed it at the scale of the territorial state. Nonetheless, over the last decade, the flagship Big Tech firms of surveillance capitalism, such as Google and Facebook, have already assumed many functions and concentrated excessive technopolitical power…

WISERD Research - Covid-19: policy responses and social consequences report - front cover
WISERD Research – Covid-19: policy responses and social consequences

Introduction The arrival of Covid-19 to the UK in early 2020 led to rapid and far-reaching changes in the way we live our lives. ‘Lockdown’ led to school closures and working from home became the norm for many workers. And while most shops and businesses closed, ‘key’ workers and services experienced unprecedented pressures. For the…

Journal of Urban Affairs
People-Centered Smart Cities: An Exploratory Action Research on the Cities’ Coalition for Digital Rights

Declarations and manifestos have emerged across the world claiming to protect citizens’ digital rights. Data-driven technologies in global cities not only have yielded techno-euphoria but also have intensified techno-political concerns as reflected in UN-Habitat’s flagship program called “People-Centered Smart Cities” (PCSC) that advocates the willingness to promote inclusiveness while subverting the technocratic smart city meaning….

Geographical Variations in Trade Union Membership: 2021 Edition
Geographical Variations in Trade Union Membership: 2021 Edition

This Research Note presents new estimates of trade union membership derived for detailed geographical areas across Great Britain. Analysis reveals the wide variations in union density that exist both across the country and within particular regions.  Over the period 2000-2019, union density is shown to vary between 9% in Kensington and Chelsea to 54% in…

Journal Cover
The Right to Have Digital Rights in Smart Cities

New data-driven technologies in global cities have yielded potential but also have intensified techno-political concerns. Consequently, in recent years, several declarations/manifestos have emerged across the world claiming to protect citizens’ digital rights. In 2018, Barcelona, Amsterdam, and NYC city councils formed the Cities’ Coalition for Digital Rights (CCDR), an international alliance of global People-Centered Smart Cities—currently…