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Your search returned 142 results
Cover of The Oxford Handbook of Expertise and Democratic Politics
The Third Wave and populism: Scientific expertise as a check and balance

This chapter draws on the Third Wave of Science Studies to argue that science is needed to resist the rise of populism in modern democracies. Wave Three of science studies focuses on expertise and values to characterize science as “craftwork with integrity” and justify science’s centrality in modern societies. This contrasts with Wave One, which…

Front cover Social Research Methodology
Participation or direction? Dilemmas in utilising participatory methods

This paper will explore the dichotomy of direction and stimulus through a reflection on arts-based methods used in a research study into post-industrial communities in South Wales and consider whether in participatory processes, a catalyst for artistic creativity could become construed as researcher-led control over the activities. Through an examination of the methods and outcomes…

Case studies on transport policy
Quantifying disparities in access to recreational opportunities by alternative modes of transport

The paper draws upon open-source technologies to present methods of incorporating multiple travel modes into GIS analyses of cumulative opportunity and proximity-based metrics of accessibility. Two case studies are undertaken. The first uses isochrone analysis to evaluate national access to sport facilities expected to appeal to a broad range of ages and abilities. Predictably, urban…

Mapping active travel variations in access to key services in Wales - briefing paper front cover
Mapping active travel variations in access to key services in Wales

Introduction Events surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic drew attention to the importance of local neighbourhoods as people were encouraged wherever possible to work from home, the physical and mental health benefits of active means of travel were promoted, and communities became more reliant on services in their local areas. At the same time governments around the…

European Journal of Homelessness. Volume 15 issue 3, 2021
The Promises and Pitfalls of Administrative Data Linkage for Tackling Homelessness

To meet the challenges of tackling homelessness in a changing world, we need to understand its extent, causes, and consequences, and the impacts of efforts to prevent and alleviate it. Robust evidence from a diverse range of sources is therefore required to inform policy making and service delivery. One approach to meeting this need is…

Session Scaling Citizenship. AAG Annual Meeting
Are Emerging Digital Citizenship Regimes Rescaling Nation-States? Datafied States and Algorithmic Nations at Stake

State institutions may have already monopolized contemporary practices around citizenship. Actually, so far, traditional approaches around citizenship have framed it at the scale of the territorial state. Nonetheless, over the last decade, the flagship Big Tech firms of surveillance capitalism, such as Google and Facebook, have already assumed many functions and concentrated excessive technopolitical power…