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Your search returned 270 results
The Welsh Labour Market Following the Great Recession

The paper reviews public discourses and research on the safeguarding of other people’s children by adults at the neighbourhood level. There is much empirical evidence pointing to the existence of thriving informal communities of support and informal childcare for parents across the social classes. There appears to be less empirical evidence related to intervening with…

Journal cover
Collective learning, effective demand, loss of work and loss of direction: The growing regional divide

The local economy relies on a division of labour that develops highly specialized skills. In searching for an understanding of the growing work gap within the United Kingdom, emphasis is placed on recessions that connect to loss and redundancy of physical and human capital. High levels of regional unemployment following deindustrialization convert into high levels…

Innodrive working paper 15 cover
Agglomeration Spillovers from Intangible Capital: An analysis of UK City Regions

The importance of intangible capital as a driver of productivity growth is being increasingly recognised; however as yet, its importance at a regional level has barely been considered. In this paper we present recently constructed occupationally defined measures of intangible capital at the firm level for the UK within a regional framework. We analyse the…

The 2009 European Social Fund Leavers Survey

The two ESF Operational Programmes which are benefiting Wales for the Programming period 2007 – 2013 are together providing a little over £1.2 billion1 of investment, with almost 90% of this channelled through for the West Wales and the Valleys Convergence Programme2. In total, they are expected to provide support to almost 300,000 individual participants…

Innodrive working paper cover
UK Economic Performance: How Far do Intangibles Count?

This paper is concerned with the link between productivity growth and the increasing importance of intangible assets. A growing literature suggests that the standard production function, consisting of capital and labour, is inadequate in accounting for modern changes in productivity. Knowledge intensive intermediate inputs and own-account production, often netted out or ignored in earlier studies,…

Cover of "Gender and Education"
Girls in Primary School Science Classrooms: Theorizing Beyond Dominant Discourses of Gender

The paper explores the ways girls appropriate gender through actions, gesture and talk to achieve things in primary school science classrooms. It draws on socio-cultural approaches to show that when everyday classroom practices are viewed from multiple planes of analysis, historical, institutional and in the micro dynamics of classroom interaction, gender comes into view in…

Report Cover
Quantitative research resources within the social sciences

This document provides an overview of some of the resources available for research within the Social Sciences. At the outset, it is acknowledged that there are difficulties in compiling a catalogue that is going to be ‘all things to all people’. It is not possible to include all available resources for research, or to cover…

Innovation in the Welsh Automotive Industry: Challenges and Strategies

This paper seeks to understand the status of and changes in the Welsh automotive industry in the wake of globalization and the consequent structural challenges. Hailed as a budding leader in Europe in terms of auto-component production (where Wales purportedly boasts of supportive institutions, high quality infrastructure and flexible labour conditions), its ambition to maintain…

Devolution and Supporting the Poorest He

A created community, a Nation State, is strengthened by a sense of fair and equitable treatment. Within Nation States the allocation of public funds through national budgets acts to contain regional inequality and to provide a positive response to structural decline. The UK Treasury accepts need as the correct guide to spending on public services…