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Journal Cover
City Regions: New Geographies of Uneven Development and Inequality

Etherington D. and Jones M. City-regions: new geographies of uneven development and inequality, Regional Studies. Recent years have witnessed a burgeoning literature on the ‘new regionalism’. Protagonists have made persuasive arguments about regions as successful models of economic and social development. This paper argues that the championing of ‘city-regions’ provides an opportunity for taking these debates further. It…

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Listening to Children in Care: A Review of Methodological and Theoretical Approaches to Understanding Looked After Children’s Perspectives

Recent years have witnessed substantial advances in the precision and availability of digital infrastructure data, remote sensing data, and microscale socioeconomic data for urban areas in many parts of the world. However, these data still remain deficient in detail especially with respect to the fine-grained property-level structural attributes that form the basis of housing-market models…

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Labour market and Investment Effects of Remittances

The economic analysis of the effects of remittances has become an increasingly important issue in recent years because of the rapid growth of this form of financial flow. Official estimates put global remittances at around $80bn in 2002, but the total amount, which includes flows through unofficial channels, is thought to be far greater than…

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The Role of GIS for Health Utilization Studies: Literature Review

There have been a plethora of studies investigating access issues in relation to health services but until recently a relative lack of research on geographical factors that may be influencing utilisation patterns. This paper includes a timely review on what is known from existing studies, a description of the main methodological concerns highlighted by such…

Book Cover
Age-structured Human Capital Dynamics and Economic Growth: A Note on Interdependence, Coordination and Welfare

In this chapter, we critically review the role of age-structured human capital in economic growth in the space-time domain and suggest (i) a theoretical framework for modeling growth interdependence across countries due to cross-country human capital accumulation and (ii) construct an empirical test for dynamic spatial growth correlations. Although (aggregate) human capital has been widely…

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Exploring neglected dimensions of social policy: The social division of welfare, fiscal welfare and the exemplar of local taxation in England

Titmusss Social Division of Welfare (SDW) thesis is a vitally important but much neglected element of social policy analysis. This article seeks to explore the SDW, with a particular focus on fiscal welfare. Fiscal welfare has been described as forming a hidden welfare state, and while taxation is one of the main ways in which…

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‘Becoming participant’: problematizing ‘informed consent’ in participatory research with young people in care

This article problematizes the slippery notion of `informed consent’ and its negotiation in participatory longitudinal ethnographic research with children and young people. It does so within the context of new ethical bureaucracies (Boden et al., in press; Hammersley, 2006). Drawing upon an Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) funded methodological research project exploring the everyday…

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How Does Workplace Monitoring Affect the Gender Wage Differential? Analysis of the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings and the 2004 Workplace Employment Relations Survey

This paper outlines the development of a new data source that combines workplace information from the Workplace Employment Relations Survey (WERS) with employee data from the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE). Illustrative analysis of the gender wage differential demonstrates how the inclusion of additional workplace characteristics collected from WERS can be utilized to…

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Patterns of Ethnic Self-Employment in Time and Space: Evidence from British Census Microdata

The over-representation of certain ethnic minority and immigrant groups in self-employment is, in common with other developed countries, a notable feature of the UK labour market. Compared to the substantial growth in self-employment in the 1980s, the 1990s saw overall self-employment rates plateau. Despite this, some minority groups experienced continued growth whilst others, particularly Chinese…

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Local taxation and the relationship between incomes and property values

The authors’ concern is with the relationship between household income and property value, within the context of the debate about the fairness of council tax – the property-based system of local taxation in England. Although located within this particular debate, the fundamental issue of the relationship between household income and property value is of relevance…