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Urban Studies 48(12)
Renewing urban politics

Paul Peterson’s (1981) City Limits was to become one of several landmark publications in the study of urban politics during the 1980s and 1990s. It pioneered the argument that, amid the unravelling of the 1960s Great Society welfare accord and associated War on Poverty1 and now confronting the deindustrialisation of their maturing economies and the…

Journal Article
Impedimenta state: Anatomies of neoliberal penality

Punishing the Poor avers not only that the United States has shifted from the single (welfare) to the double (social-cum-penal) regulation of the poor, but also that the ‘stunted development of American social policy’ skilfully dissected by Piven and Cloward stands in close causal and functional relation to America’s uniquely overgrown and hyperactive penal policy….

Journal Cover
Thinking State/Space Incompossibly

This paper develops multi-dimensional analyses of socio-spatial relations. Building on previous research, we identify some tensions associated with different dimensions of socio-spatiality and introduce the theme of compossible and, more importantly, incompossible socio-spatial configurations. Two short studies are deployed to highlight the socio-spatial implications of the principle that not everything that is possible is compossible. The first…

Journal Cover
Limits to ‘thinking space relationally’

This paper is written by a geographer and discusses the importance of ‘thinking space relationally’ in, and for, the social sciences. According to its advocates, relational thinking insists on an open-ended, mobile, networked and actor-centred geographic becoming. I position relational space within the lineage of philosophical approaches to space, drawing on examples taken mainly from…

Journal Cover
City Regions: New Geographies of Uneven Development and Inequality

Etherington D. and Jones M. City-regions: new geographies of uneven development and inequality, Regional Studies. Recent years have witnessed a burgeoning literature on the ‘new regionalism’. Protagonists have made persuasive arguments about regions as successful models of economic and social development. This paper argues that the championing of ‘city-regions’ provides an opportunity for taking these debates further. It…

Journal cover
Phase space: Geography, relational thinking and beyond

Recent years have witnessed a burgeoning of work on `thinking space relationally’. According to its advocates, relational thinking challenges human geography by insisting on an open-ended, mobile, networked, and actor-centred geographic becoming. The paper discusses the importance of this `relational turn’ by positioning it within the lineage of philosophical approaches to space in geography. Following…