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Your search returned 1159 results
Book Cover
Research Methods in Employment Relations

Building on previous work that has examined the use of research methods in industrial relations/employment relations (IR/ER), particularly Whitfield and Strauss (2000), this chapter updates its empirical work and re-examines its key postulates. IR/ER research continues to show a wide range of research methods and approaches. It is highly empirical, with a large proportion of…

Journal cover
A best practice framework to measure spatial variation in alcohol availability

Alcohol outlet density and alcohol-related harms are an internationally reported phenomenon. There are multiple methods described in the literature to measure alcohol outlet density, but with very little commentary on the geographical underpinnings of the methods. In this paper, we present a framework to help practitioners and researchers choose the most appropriate spatial method of…

Journal cover
The dynamic effect of disability on work and subjective well-being

Using longitudinal data from the Household, Income, and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey (2001–2013), we examine the relationship between the dynamics of work-limiting disability, employment, and life satisfaction. By employing two alternative classifications of the dynamic trajectories of disability, we are able to explicitly consider the influence of disability exit in addition to examining…

Independent Review of Estyn’s Contribution to Wales’ Education Reform Programme

In December 2017 Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Education in Wales commissioned WISERD to undertake an independent review of the implications for Estyn following the significant changes taking place in Wales through the development of a new curriculum together with a wide range of education reforms. The report written as a result of this review…

Cover of Applied Geography
An evaluation of alternative measures of accessibility for investigating potential ‘deprivation amplification’ in service provision

Studies examining potential social inequities in resource distribution have tended to adopt relatively unsophisticated measures of service supply such as those derived from proximity measures or counts of facilities within given time/distance thresholds. Often such measures do not take into account potential demand for services and the implications this has for understanding socio-spatial patterns in…

Journal cover
Dualities of dementia illness narratives and their role in a narrative economy

The concept of ‘narrative economies’ has recently been proposed as a set of exchange relationships that, through biography and story‐telling, facilitate access to resources and act as a source of value. We utilise this concept to inform our analysis of 18 qualitative interviews with five people with dementia and four informal carers. Our participants are…

Cover of the Journal of Trust Research
Political trust in France’s multi-level government

Trust has long been identified as an essential component of social, economic and political life. Since the mid-1990s, there has been renewed interest in the concept driven by its perceived decline and reengagement with concepts of social capital. The article acknowledges these debates, especially the general context of decline in trust in western democracies, including…

Journal Cover
Plus ça change? 90 years in the Welsh Countryside

In the ninety years since the foundation of the CPRW in 1928, rural Wales has changed substantially, yet it is far from fanciful to draw parallels between the challenges that concerned the organization in its early days and those facing the Welsh countryside today, or to see continuities in the underlying vulnerability of rural Wales…

Article Image
Testing the ability of multivariate hybrid spatial network analysis to predict the effect of a major urban redevelopment on pedestrian flows

This paper explores a new approach to pedestrian modelling using multivariate hybrid spatial network analysis. Using a case study of Cardiff, Wales it demonstrates how the approach can be used to predict pedestrian flows after a major development of the city centre including the construction of a new purpose built shopping mall. The model is…

Journal Cover
Precarious rural cosmopolitanism: Negotiating globalization, migration and diversity in Irish small towns

The intensification of global mobility has introduced international migration to rural areas and small towns with little or no significant recent history of immigration. Drawing on an emergent literature in rural studies, this paper seeks to consolidate the concept of ‘rural cosmopolitanism’ both as a political or ethical project, and in relation to the ‘actual-existing…