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Your search returned 1159 results
Clawr Gwerddon
The Welsh language in the Foundation Phase

Gwerddon, 26(2) The Foundation Phase (FP) is a statutory curriculum in each state school in Wales since 2008. The curriculum follows a developmentally appropriate pedagogy, and encourages children to engage by learning through experiences. The paper that follows is taken from a wider evaluation of the FP, commissioned by Welsh Government in 2012 and considers…

Journal cover
The UK Gender Pay Gap 1997-2015: What Is the Role of the Public Sector?

The Labour Force Survey is used to examine the influence of sector on the UK gender pay gap 1997–2015. The assessment is twofold: first comparing gender pay gaps within sectors and second through identifying the contribution of the concentration of women in the public sector to the overall gender pay gap. The long-term narrowing of…

Cover of "Gender and Education"
Why do students enrol for postgraduate education in China? The influence of gender and of family habitus

The article draws upon Bourdieu’s concepts of habitus and cultural capital to provide an in-depth analysis of the gender differences in students’ motivation for undertaking postgraduate (PG) education in Mainland China. It reports an in-depth case study comprising 381 questionnaires and 30 semi-structured interviews. The quantitative data show that students who enter PG education do…

image of education journal
The mainstreaming of charities in schools

This paper focuses on the ‘mainstreaming’ of charities into schools. There have been growing concerns about the permeation of business and business values in education, but relatively little attention has been paid to the ways in which schools are increasingly engaged in the ‘business’ of fundraising for charities. Drawing on survey data from the WISERDEducation…

WISERD Education: Changing the landscape of educational research in Wales Welsh Cover
WISERD Education: Changing the landscape of educational research in Wales

WISERD Education was launched in 2012 in order to change the landscape of educational research in Wales. The main aims of the Programme were: to enhance the capacity to carry out high quality educational research within the higher education sector in Wales; •    to undertake research activities designed to improve the quality of learning and…

Journal Cover
Place, belonging and the determinants of volunteering

In this article we discuss findings from our ethnography investigating how volunteering in local associational life is changing, asking whether structural factors fixed in localities remain important or whether, as others have suggested, volunteering is becoming disembedded from place. Across two locations, we observe how situational variables, including belonging, identification and interaction, remain important determinants…

Report Cover
Skills and Employment Survey 2017 – Technical Briefing

The aim of this Briefing is two-fold.  First, it provides data users with a concise and succinct outline of the fieldwork protocols and outcomes used to produce the Skills and Employment Survey 2017 (SES2017).  A fuller account can be found in the Technical Report provided by GfK which is available on the project web site.[1] …