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Your search returned 1136 results
Journal cover
Regulation, governance and agglomeration: making links in city-region research

This paper provides an overview and synthesis of debates pertaining to the development of city-regions and their applicability to the UK space economy. The purpose is to make links to advance both international academic debates and realpolitik policy knowledge concerns. The paper, firstly, traces the multifarious and at times disconnected academic discussions around the concepts…

An Evaluation of the Foundation Phase Flexibility Pilots Scheme

In Building a Brighter Future: Early Years and Childcare Plan (2013) the Welsh Government set out how it would make early years Foundation Phase provision more accessible. The ultimate aim of increasing flexibility of provision is to increase participation in the early years of the Foundation Phase. To further these aims in 2013 the Welsh…

The Manchester School Journal cover
The Dynamics of Disability and Work in Britain

This paper examines the dynamic relationship between work-limiting disability and labour market outcomes using longitudinal data created by matching individuals in the Local Labour Force Survey (2004–10). By applying event-study methods, changes in employment are traced through the onset of, and exit from, disability. These relationships are examined between subgroups of the population, including those…

Book Cover
Footwork: Urban Outreach and Hidden Lives

Footwork is an original street-corner ethnography drawing on the themes of urban regeneration, lost space and the 24-hour city. From the rough sleeping homeless to street drinkers and sex workers, it shows how urban modernisation, development and austerity politics impact the hidden lives of people living and working on the streets. To create this anthropology…

Environmental Policy and Governance cover
Civil Society Organizations’ Experiences of Participative Environmental Mainstreaming: A Political Systems Perspective of a Regional European Polity

This paper addresses a lacuna in the literature on environmental policy integration by exploring civil society organizations’ (CSOs) experiences of participative environmental mainstreaming – a policy imperative to embed environmental concerns in all aspects of policy-making. A raft of international treaties and laws require this to be operationalized through knowledge exchange and critical engagement between…

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Locality, Community & Civil Society

Locality, Community and Civil Society is one of the four themes within the Civil Society Research Centre. This theme explores the reconfiguration and re-articulation of local civil society in the context of contemporary social and economic change.  

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Knowing Localities

The WISERD locality research programme comprised a series of locality studies, carried out by six full-time researchers, based in Aberystwyth, Bangor, and Cardiff Universities. These studies were complemented by a suite of qualitative micro-locality and place-based studies Local knowledge in Context’, completed by researchers at Cardiff University. This podcast gives an overview of the research…

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Generation, Life Course & Social Participation

Generation, Life Course and Social Participation one of the four themes within the Civil Society Research Centre. This theme will address the intergenerational transmission of values and beliefs and the intergenerational transfer of different forms of social, cultural and economic capital and how these relate to civil society. In so doing, it will explore variations…

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Economic Austerity, Social Enterprise and Inequality

Economic Austerity, Social Enterprise and Equality is one of the four themes within the Civil Society Research Centre. This theme explores the inter-relationship between aspects of civil society and the economy in a time of austerity by examining how economic trends are related to key aspects of civil society including; levels of social enterprise, trade…