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Parliamentary Affairs journal front cover
Public Policy for Non-humans: Exploring UK State-wide Parties’ Formative Policy Record on Animal Welfare, 1979-2010

This study uses mixed methods to explore the issue salience and policy framing of animal welfare in UK state-wide parties’ Westminster election manifestos and parliamentary Early Day Motions. Over the past three decades there has been a gradual increase in salience, accompanied by a Left–Right cleavage. The latter is a function of contrasting framing practices…

Journal Cover
Book Review: Towers, Turbines and Transmission Lines: Impacts on Property Value

Introduction Opponents of wind farms and other contested infrastructure developments often base their arguments against such developments in terms of impacts on, for example, landscape aesthetics, tourism potential, health concerns and property values in the areas surrounding such developments. With regard to the latter, there is a relatively small evidence base on which to judge…

The Manchester School Journal cover
Public Sector Pay in the UK: Quantifying the Impact of the Review Bodies

This paper examines the impact of the UK Public Sector Pay Review Bodies (PRBs) on the pay of their remit groups comparing the real weekly earnings of workers using ASHE and LFS data from 1993 to 2007 for 10 occupational subgroups. Using consecutive difference-in-differences we can identify whether the PRBs have had an impact by…

Journal cover
Mixed-Methods Analysis of Political Parties’ Manifesto Discourse on Rail Transport Policy: Westminster, Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish Elections 1945-2011

This study addresses a key lacuna by exploring the role of electoral politics in shaping public policy on rail transport in (quasi-)federal systems of governance. Attention centres on issue-salience and policy framing in party manifestos in state-wide and regional elections. The findings reveal a significant rise in issue-salience in parties׳ Westminster election programmes; with right-…

Journal cover
Exploring the Pathologies of One-Party-Dominance on Third Sector Public Policy Engagement in Liberal Democracies: Evidence from Meso-Government in the UK

In liberal systems governing-party-turnover and third sector organisations’ engagement in public policy-making are seen as key factors maintaining the health of democracy. However, a significant lacuna in current understanding is the effect on engagement when governing-party-turnover is absent. Accordingly, drawing on qualitative interview data, this study examines the effects of one-party-dominance (OPD) in Wales; a…

Journal Cover
The quality of work in Britain over the economic crisis

Previous research on trends in the quality of work in Britain was carried out in a period marked by long-term growth and increasing prosperity. Although often taken as an exemplar case of a ‘liberal’ regime, the implications of an emphasis on deregulation and work-force flexibility for employees’ quality of work are arguably less serious when…

Journal cover
Parties, promises and politics: exploring manifesto discourse on arts policy in Westminster, Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish elections 1945-2011

This study addresses a key knowledge-gap by exploring the role of electoral politics in shaping public policy on the arts. Analysis of the prioritisation and use of language in party manifestos in state-wide and regional elections in the UK reveals that over recent decades there has been a sharp increase in the attention parties give…

Paper Cover
Too Many Graduates? An Application of the Gottschalk-Hansen Model to Young British Graduates between 2001-2010

There is an apparent inconsistency in the existing literature on graduate employment in the UK. While analyses of rates of return to graduates or graduate mark-ups show high returns, suggesting that demand has kept up with a rapidly rising supply of graduates, the literature on over-education suggests that many graduates are unable to find employment…

Report page
Evaluating the Foundation Phase: key findings on management and leadership

The Foundation Phase (introduced in 2008) provides a developmentally appropriate experiential curriculum for children aged 3-7 in Wales. The Welsh Government commissioned independent evaluation (led by WISERD) aims to evaluate how well it is being implemented, what impact it has had, and ways in which it can be improved. The three-year evaluation utilises a range…

Report front page
Evaluating the Foundation Phase: key findings on transitions and assessment

The Foundation Phase (introduced in 2008) provides a developmentally appropriate experiential curriculum for children aged 3-7 in Wales. The Welsh Government commissioned independent evaluation (led by WISERD) aims to evaluate how well it is being implemented, what impact it has had, and ways in which it can be improved. The three-year evaluation utilises a range…