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Front cover Social Research Methodology
Participation or direction? Dilemmas in utilising participatory methods

This paper will explore the dichotomy of direction and stimulus through a reflection on arts-based methods used in a research study into post-industrial communities in South Wales and consider whether in participatory processes, a catalyst for artistic creativity could become construed as researcher-led control over the activities. Through an examination of the methods and outcomes…

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Civil Society and Social Change – Book Series Flyer

The Civil Society and Social Change series provides interdisciplinary and comparative perspectives on the rapidly changing nature of civil society at local, regional, national and global scales. The series comprises a core set of edited volumes reporting on research findings from across the Wales Institute of Social and Economic Research and Data Civil Society Research…

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It is time to rethink what citizen science really is

Citizen science is a popular method of gathering data for natural and social scientists, with the number of projects and publications produced growing year by year. A typical citizen science project uses volunteers to gather data that would otherwise be unaffordable or inaccessible. But, based on the evidence we gathered during our study of a…

Expanding Citizen Science: Community Action Without Primary Data Collection
Expanding Citizen Science: Community Action Without Primary Data Collection

Environmental planning disputes often combine questions of regulation and legislation with distinctive, place-based epistemic issues that lend themselves to citizen science approaches. Whilst these citizen science activities often concern the enforcement of regulations, here we describe the attempts of a local community group to prevent the start-up of a new biomass incineration plant by showing…

How is careers guidance for school pupils prioritised?

This Data Insight explores how information is used to inform decisions regarding the provision of careers guidance interviews among key stage 4 (KS4) pupils in Wales. It explores the relative importance of background characteristics contained within administrative education records compared to information supplied by pupils via the Careers Wales diagnostic tool.

Effectiveness of careers guidance in supporting participation in Post Compulsory Education and Training (PCET)

This Data Insight explores the influence careers guidance can have on transitions to Post Compulsory Education and Training (PCET) in Wales. The analysis examines rates of transition to PCET in Wales, whether the receipt of careers guidance during key stage 4 supports transition to PCET and, if so, whether it benefits some groups of pupils…

Case studies on transport policy
Quantifying disparities in access to recreational opportunities by alternative modes of transport

The paper draws upon open-source technologies to present methods of incorporating multiple travel modes into GIS analyses of cumulative opportunity and proximity-based metrics of accessibility. Two case studies are undertaken. The first uses isochrone analysis to evaluate national access to sport facilities expected to appeal to a broad range of ages and abilities. Predictably, urban…

Examining How Equalities Nonprofit Organizations Approach Policy Influencing to Achieve Substantive Representation in Sub-State Government Policymaking

This article is concerned with equalities nonprofit organizations’ activities to achieve substantive representation in policy-making through a sub-state government. It draws on three strands of the interest representation literature from equalities theory, nonprofit sector studies, and social movements theory. The analytical framework synthesizes these to provide a new approach for examining equalities nonprofit organizations’ policy…

Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers

What can the municipal state do to radically transform urban economies? Local government in countries such as the UK has been historically tasked with delivering public services; rarely extending its remit to economic develop-ment, let alone community-led forms promoting economic democracy, at least not since 1980s municipal socialism. But times are changing, and the UK…