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Your search returned 1159 results
journal cover
Brief report: Multilevel analysis of school smoking policy and pupil smoking behaviour in Wales

A multilevel analysis of cross-sectional data from a survey involving 1941 pupils (in grades 10 and 11) and policy indicators developed from interviews with staff from 45 secondary schools in Wales examined the hypotheses that pupil smoking prevalence would be associated with: restrictive staff and pupil smoking policies; dissemination of school smoking policies; and implementation of smoking…

Journal cover
Collective learning, effective demand, loss of work and loss of direction: The growing regional divide

The local economy relies on a division of labour that develops highly specialized skills. In searching for an understanding of the growing work gap within the United Kingdom, emphasis is placed on recessions that connect to loss and redundancy of physical and human capital. High levels of regional unemployment following deindustrialization convert into high levels…

Book cover
Dialogicality in focus: Challenges to theory, method and application

The phenomenon which dialogism addresses is human interaction. It enables us to conceptualise human interaction as intersubjective, symbolic, cultural, transformative and conflictual, in short, as complex. The complexity of human interaction is evident in all domains of human life, for example, in therapy, education, health intervention, communication, and coordination at all levels. A dialogical approach…

Report Cover
Can There Be a Welsh Higher Education System?

The contrast between the Welsh Assembly Government’s stance on higher education tuition fees and that of the UK government hit the headlines recently. But Gareth Rees, Director of the Wales Institute for Social and Economic Research, Data and Methods (WISERD), questions whether currently devolved powers are sufficiently robust to sustain this distinctive Welsh policy.

Innodrive working paper 15 cover
Agglomeration Spillovers from Intangible Capital: An analysis of UK City Regions

The importance of intangible capital as a driver of productivity growth is being increasingly recognised; however as yet, its importance at a regional level has barely been considered. In this paper we present recently constructed occupationally defined measures of intangible capital at the firm level for the UK within a regional framework. We analyse the…

Innodrive working paper cover
UK Economic Performance: How Far do Intangibles Count?

This paper is concerned with the link between productivity growth and the increasing importance of intangible assets. A growing literature suggests that the standard production function, consisting of capital and labour, is inadequate in accounting for modern changes in productivity. Knowledge intensive intermediate inputs and own-account production, often netted out or ignored in earlier studies,…

The 2009 European Social Fund Leavers Survey

The two ESF Operational Programmes which are benefiting Wales for the Programming period 2007 – 2013 are together providing a little over £1.2 billion1 of investment, with almost 90% of this channelled through for the West Wales and the Valleys Convergence Programme2. In total, they are expected to provide support to almost 300,000 individual participants…

Article Cover
Stripping out the Social: Innovation and reduction in contemporary qualitative Methods

In this short paper we take issue with some recent developments in the design and application of qualitative research which, to our mind, are indicative of a reductionist tendency. As discussed previously (Atkinson, Delamont, and Housley, 2009 Housley and Smith, Forthcoming), ‘qualitative methods’ are increasingly deployed across disciplinary boundaries and are to be found in…

Qualitative Researcher 13(Spring 2011)
Innovating as we go: Ethnography as an evolving methodology

Qualitative mobile methods are heralded as innovative ways to involve participants, disrupting the power dynamics of the static interview and allowing the production of a co-constructed knowledge, between the researcher, the participant and the landscape. Much of this practice is informed by an understanding of place as something fluid, mutually produced and constructed. Previously we…