Research projects

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Patronage, elites and power relations

Patronage, elites and power relations explores systems of patronage within civil society and the connections between civil society, civic stratification and elite formation. It considers the origins and destinations of patrons in civil society organisations and institutions, as well as the significance of different educational institutions and occupational profiles in affording privileged access to elite…

New repertoires of contention and social mobilisation: shifting dynamics of civic stratification and the marketisation of social justice in the energy transition

This project utilises comparative case studies in the UK and Australia to explore how new, technologically-enabled transnational repertoires of social mobilisation contribute to the shifting dynamics of civic stratification in the age of uncertainty. It will interrogate the relationship between the state, the market, individuals and civil society in the politics of the energy transition….

Populism, conflict and political polarisation

The qualitative strand of this work package explores how the circulation of ideas, arguments and discourses within local civil society has contributed to the rise of populism and polarisation of politics in Britain and the United States, and what part civil society can play in addressing social and political polarisation. We are examining the relationship…