News and Blog

WISERD hosts Leverhulme Visiting Professorship

We are pleased to announce that cultural sociologist, Professor Michèle Lamont, of Harvard University will be visiting WISERD from 24 – 26 of March, as part of her Leverhulme Visiting Professorship. The programme of events will comprise an evening talk and workshop at Cardiff University, before Professor Lamont travels to Bangor University, where there will…

New democratic innovation report by Dr Anwen Elias

Dr Anwen Elias, WISERD co-director based at the Centre for Welsh Politics and Society at Aberystwyth University, is lead author of the latest report by the Institute of Welsh Affairs (IWA): Fostering Democratic Innovations in Wales: Lessons From Around the World. Dr Elias will be in conversation with IWA co-director, Joe Rossiter, on Tuesday 4…

WISERD Annual Conference 2025 – call for papers – deadline EXTENDED

This year’s WISERD Annual Conference will take place at Aberystwyth University on Monday 30 June and Tuesday 1 July 2025. The theme of the conference is ‘Participation and partnership in a time of precarity and polarisation’. The theme for the WISERD Annual Conference 2025 talks to widespread concerns regarding the form and function of civil…

Learning from older and disabled people’s experiences during the pandemic: envisaging a better future of care

As someone who has a chronic illness and is immune supressed, I was shielding for long periods during the pandemic. In this prolonged isolation, I felt affinity with some older and disabled people, who historically have been theorised and identified separately. I argue that the COVID-19 pandemic brought together these two groups through some similar…

Causes of death among people experiencing homelessness in Wales

A new Data Insight from the ADR Wales Housing and Homelessness research theme presents findings from research into the underlying causes of death among people experiencing homelessness in Wales. Currently, the main source of information on this topic in Wales comes from annual estimates produced by the Office for National Statistics. The purpose of the analysis in this Data…

Influence of disability on party political preferences

A new paper in Electoral Studies by Ralph Scott at the University of Bristol and Melanie Jones at Cardiff University investigates the influence of disability on party political preferences. While there is an emerging evidence base on the effect of disability on voter turnout (including a recent paper authored by Melanie and Samuel Brown), the…

New publication – Commons, Citizenship and Power: Reclaiming the Margins

The latest book in WISERD’s Civil Society and Social Change series with Policy Press has been published today, entitled Commons, Citizenship and Power: Reclaiming the Margins. Since the 2010s, populism and illiberal politics have been on the rise. Demagogue leaders preach simplified rhetoric to vilify the powerless, polarising city and rural areas and sparking such…

Exploring international collaboration in child health and education research

Rob French leads the ADR Wales Education research theme. In this blog post, Rob describes how the intersection of education and child health data will be explored in a new special edition of the International Journal of Population Data Science. Linking child health and education data enables us to explore the mutual dependence of these two critical…

Festival of Social Sciences workshops to support children with additional learning needs

Jen Keating is a Research Associate from the ADR Wales Education theme and the WISERD Education Data Lab. In a new blog post, she describes two workshops she led in November for parents, carers, and educators on how they can best use national data to support children with additional learning needs (ALN) in Wales. These workshops took place at…