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Qualitative Research 11(6)
Mundane Reason, Membership Categorization Practices and the Everyday Ontology of Space and Place in Interview Talk

In this article we aim to utilise and apply ethnomethodological and interactionist principles to the analysis of members’ situated accounts of regenerated urban space. With reference to previous empirical studies we apply membership categorization analysis and the concept of mundane reason to data gathered from situated street level interviews carried out as part of a…

Discourse Studies 13(4)
Telling the CAQDAS Code: Membership Categorization and the Accomplishment of ‘Coding Rules’ in Research Team Talk

During the course of this article we examine data gathered from two research meetings in which coding issues and data organization are being discussed in relation to the use of the software package Atlas.ti. The meetings were concerned with the organization and coding of semi-structured interviews carried out by three different groups as part of…

Article Cover
Stripping out the Social: Innovation and reduction in contemporary qualitative Methods

In this short paper we take issue with some recent developments in the design and application of qualitative research which, to our mind, are indicative of a reductionist tendency. As discussed previously (Atkinson, Delamont, and Housley, 2009 Housley and Smith, Forthcoming), ‘qualitative methods’ are increasingly deployed across disciplinary boundaries and are to be found in…

Journal cover
Qualitative Researcher: Issue 13

Issue 13 of WISERD’s Qualitative Researcher contains: Revisiting innovation in qualitative research – Amanda Coffey Stripping out the social: Innovation and reduction in contemporary qualitative methods – William Housley and Robin James Smith Visual methods: Innovation, decoration or distractions? – Max Travers Computer assisted qualitative data analysis software (CAQDAS): A personal view – Kate Ness…

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Innovation and Reduction in Contemporary Qualitative Methods: The Case of Conceptual Coupling, Activity-Type Pairs and Auto-Ethnography

During the course of this paper we mobilise an ideal typical framework that identifies three waves of reduction within contemporary qualitative inquiry as they relate to key aspects of the sociological tradition. The paper begins with a consideration of one of sociology’s key questions; namely how is social organisation possible? The paper aims to demonstrate…

journal article
Identity, Brand or Citizenship: The Case of Post Devolution Wales

During the course of this article we explore three dimensions of subjectivity in relation to post-devolution Wales. The space of subjectivity is something that is experienced by individuals but also shaped by wider sociological, historical and economic forces. The article does not aim to provide an empirical analysis of this process per se but rather…