The Wales Institute for Social and Economic Research, Data & Methods (WISERD) is pleased to announce a call for applications to its Civil Society Fellowship scheme, aimed at providing a career development opportunity for those in the immediate postdoctoral stage of their career. We invite applications for a one-year post-doctoral fellowship for pioneering research related to contemporary challenges facing civil society in the UK/ Europe. The post will be an opportunity for the successful applicant to develop their doctoral research by writing related publications and developing collaborations and preparing funding bids. Applications focusing on one the following areas are particularly welcome: inequalities, rights, sustainability, and the implications of Brexit.
The fellowship will allow the successful candidate to consolidate their PhD through the application of their research skills, publication, growing their networks, and strengthening their research and professional skills, preparing them for the next stage of their research careers either within or beyond academia.
Through being embedded within a dynamic centre for research, engagement and training, fellows will have the opportunity to undertake a varied programme of activities supporting their continued development. We encourage those who are near to completing their doctoral thesis, or who have less than 12-months postdoctoral experience to apply. In addition to providing a CV and supporting statement that details how you meet the essential and desirable criteria; applicants must submit a 2,000-word Fellowship Proposal with their online application – outlining activities and outputs for the Fellowship and how it will support your longer-term research career aspirations.
Job Description
Fellows will contribute to research within the identified field of civil society that complements the work already undertaken in WISERD, carrying out work that leads to demonstrable academic and non-academic impact, including contributing towards the publication of research in high quality journals.
- To pursue excellence in research and to inspire others to do the same.
- To undertake research that extends the parameters of your doctoral studies and that links to the outlined fellowship specific area relevant to the work of the within the WISERD Civil Society Civic Stratification and Civil Repair themes.
- To actively participate in the life of WISERD in Cardiff, communicating and presenting research at meetings, through publications and other recognised avenues as appropriate, ensuring information is communicated to internal and external partners.
- To contribute and support research publications and presentations as required.
- To contribute and support research funding bids as required.
- To analyse and communicate complex ideas, concepts and data using appropriate methods and packages.
- To generate research output and contribute to the development of independent and original ideas as appropriate.
- To maintain and update area of specialist knowledge, researching and critically appraising relevant literature within the area.
- To participate in WISERD administration and activities to promote WISERD and its work to the wider University and the outside world.
- To undergo personal and professional development that is appropriate to and which will enhance performance.
- To ensure that an understanding of the importance of confidentiality is applied when undertaking all duties.
- Any other duties not included above, but consistent with the role.
View advert on Cardiff University website.
The final deadline for applications is Friday 18th August 2023.