Reporting on a social experiment for wellbeing researchers. The aim of the session is to facilitate and encourage space(s) for conversation between those interested in well-being and its research, bearing in mind the importance of organising and facilitating conversation (both online and face-to-face), so that productive and meaningful conversation can take place between people. The starting point of this session is that one important aspect of face-to-face conferences can be easily lost during on-line events. Namely, the various informal face-to-face conversations that happen outside of a conference’s formal presentation programme. Given this, face to face meetings will be set-up between people in pairs or small groups, prior to the session, who will then report their experience to the online event. The overall aim of this reporting would be to try and understand better how good quality conversations about our research and the subject of well-being can be facilitated, whether online and/or face-to-face.