Prof. Christina Beatty

Professor Christina Beatty

Christina is a Professor of Applied Economic Geography in the Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research (CRESR). She is a social statistician by background and has over 30 years’ experience of undertaking applied policy and evidence-based research. Christina is especially interested in the intersection of the social security system, labour market policy, housing policy, and the productivity of industries and places. Her research highlights the often unintended local consequences of national policy decisions; the uneven impact of welfare reform; the geography of hidden unemployment; and the long-term dynamics of local labour markets in different geographic and local economic contexts. Her research has a particular focus on older industrial Britain, former coalfield areas, and Britain’s seaside towns.

Christina has been part of many large scale government funded national research and evaluation projects which aim to understand the spatial impacts of socio-economic policy initiatives. These include the 10 year Evaluation of New Deal for Communities, the two year evaluation of the Reform of the Local Housing Allowance System for payment of Housing Benefit in the private rented sector, and is currently leading a Review of Supported Housing across Britain for the Department of Levelling Up Housing and Communities.

Sheffield Hallam Staff Profile
Twitter: @CBeatty_CRESR, @CRESR_SHU