News and Blog

Making the best of a bad job? Measuring job satisfaction in Wales

Since the introduction of its well-being programme in 2010, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) has introduced a number of questions into its surveys in an attempt to measure the well-being of the population in the UK.  The Annual Population Survey, the largest regular household survey undertaken by the ONS, now includes a suite of…

Need for Non-Market Institutions for Inter Country Transfers: A lesson from the EU Referendum

In a new WISERD blog post, entitled ‘Need for Non-Market Institutions for Inter Country Transfers: A lesson from the EU Referendum‘, Professor Shanti Chakravarty, an Emeritus Professor of Economics at Bangor University, reflects on the work of his colleague at Bangor – Professor R. Ross MacKay – in understanding the reasons why the EU might have started…

An Update from the WISERD Housing Network

The Housing Network brings together researchers and research organisations in the field of housing in order to advance housing studies in Wales and beyond. The latest meeting, which was held on 15th June 2016, included participants from a number of leading universities, government, the public sector, and voluntary organisations. Research updates were given from academics and…

WISERD Annual Conference: Speaker Titles Confirmed & PhD Student Competition Extension

Updates on the WISERD Annual Conference! The WISERD Annual Conference offers delegates an insight into current social science research through keynote addresses, plenary sessions, workshops and exhibitions. For more information on the Conference and to book visit: This year’s speaker titles are now confirmed: The Right Honourable Rhodri Morgan – The Services/Manufacturing Balance and the Welsh…

WISERD Annual Conference: Early Bird Closing 29th May

Wednesday 13th July to Thursday 14th July 2016 Great Hall, Swansea University Bay Campus Come and join Wales’ largest social science conference! Swansea 2016 is set to be bigger and brighter than ever, offering an even greater choice of sessions for delegates in addition to plenary sessions, workshops, commercial exhibition and of course, the opportunity…

A radical agenda for social innovation

WISERD/CRESC Civil Society Colloquium 18th and 19th May 2016, Cardiff   As part of the WISERD Civil Society programme, WISERD and CRESC jointly organised an international colloquium on 18th and 19th May at Cardiff University for academics, policy makers and civil society organisations involved in Social Innovation (SI) initiatives. As an international event the colloquium was organised in…

Absent Friends and Absent Enemies: reflections on the Radical Social Innovation Colloquium

  Let me introduce you to Moran’s Law of Academic Conferences: the more a conference draws on a single discipline, the less interesting it is.   The most mind numbingly boring conferences now are those lumbering leviathans, the Annual Conferences of  professional associations, where the only way to survive is to disappear to the bar to…

Introducing the GW4 Pay Equality Research Consortium

From 2018, companies with more than 250 employees will be required to make their gender pay gap publicly available online.  Employers that fail to address gender pay disparities will also be highlighted in new league tables intended to drive progress.  The launch of a new project has coincided with the governments publication of these planned…