News and Blog

What role do the political parties think the voluntary sector should play in delivering welfare services? How have parties’ ideas changed over the post-war period? And, what impact has devolution had… ?

These are some of the questions that I set out to address in a study that is to be published this month. Despite an extensive academic literature extending back decades – perhaps surprisingly, there has been little work on elections and how the political parties envision the role of the third – or voluntary –…

WISERD research reveals benefits to Assisted Places holders

Professor Sally Power uncovers the benefits for those from less advantaged homes attending independent schools. WISERD research has revealed that beneficiaries of the Assisted Places scheme, which provided a means-tested education at independent schools for young people from less advantaged homes until 1997, continue to reap the benefits from their private education. The research, funded…

Census debate to take place at Wales’ largest Social Science Conference

Delegates join distinguished keynote speakers for special Census debate   A unique opportunity to discuss the Census will take place at the Annual Conference for the Wales Institute for Social & Economic Research, Data & Methods (WISERD). Now in its fourth year, the WISERD Annual Conference is Wales’ largest social science conference; bringing practitioners, policy…

WISERD Report Published by Welsh Government

A report written by academic staff at WISERD Swansea, entitled ‘An analysis of subjective wellbeing in Wales: Evidence from the Annual Population Survey’, was published by the Welsh Government on 31st October 2012. This report examines Annual Population Survey (APS) data containing new questions on Subjective Wellbeing (SWB). It focuses on comparisons between variations in SWB across…

WISERD 2013 Conference – Call for Papers

The Call for Papers for the fourth annual WISERD conference is now open. The WISERD 2013 Conference will take place on 25th and 26th June at the University of Glamorgan, attracting colleagues from academic, policy, public, private and third sectors. Following on from three successful events in Cardiff, Swansea and Bangor; the WISERD conference has become…

Generation Rent: Housing Options and Solutions for Young People in 2020

A report for the Joseph Rowntree Foundation carried out by WISERD researchers and members of the WISERD housing thematic network in the School of City and Regional Planning, Cardiff University has revealed that increasing numbers of young people are going to be forced into the private rented sector over the coming decade if they want…

Major Social Science Conference Travels to North Wales

One of the most important events in the social science calendar for people concerned with social and economic issues in Wales is travelling to Bangor next week. The third annual Wales Institute of Social & Economic Research, Data & Methods’ (WISERD) Conference will bring together social science researchers, politicians, postgraduate students and public sector representatives…

Homelessness: Review of the Legislation in Wales

Researchers at the Wales Institute of Social and Economic Research, Data and Methods (WISERD) have secured a competitive tender from the Welsh Government to review homelessness legislation in Wales. This will be the most significant piece of homelessness research to be conducted in Wales and will directly inform the forthcoming Housing Bill to help improve…

WISERD Conference 2011: “A Major ‘Shop Window’ for Social Science Research in Wales”

On 28th and 29th June 2011 colleagues from across the WISERD partner Universities, invited speakers, representatives of voluntary organisations, postgraduate students and representatives from the public sector met in Swansea to present their work at the second WISERD conference. Over 140 delegates attended what is quickly becoming established as the major ‘shop window’ for social…