News and Blog

The Foundation Phase Evaluation – an update

Since the publication in mid-January of the second report on educational outcomes using national administrative data was published, the Foundation Phase has been under considerable media scrutiny. Over the past three years WISERD has undertaken an independent evaluation for the Welsh Government of the Foundation Phase for three to seven year olds in Wales, and will soon be making its…

WISERD Education asks pupils: If someone gave you £1 million today, what would you do with it?

What would you do with £1 million if handed it today? Remarkably, half of young people would give at least a large part of it away, with a quarter saying they would keep none of it for themselves, a new study from WISERD Education has found. And while some pupils, perhaps predictably, dream of fast…

WISERD Job Opportunities at Cardiff University

Following major grant successes, Cardiff University is making a substantial investment in social science research and we welcome applications from exciting and dynamic researchers interested in working on cutting edge research projects within a leading Russell Group institution. The Wales Institute for Social and Economic Research, Data & Methods (WISERD) is currently recruiting for a…

Bilingual education: Why it makes sense

The Welsh Government, with their Welsh Language Scheme 2012-2017, (A Living Language: A Language for Living), aim to increase the use of Welsh in Wales. Though the Welsh Language Scheme aims to increase the use of Welsh in all domains, education plays a crucial role. The Welsh Government have strategic plans in place for 2013-2014…