News and Blog

Young EU supporters are more likely to turnout on the day

  We know support for continued EU membership is heavily concentrated among younger citizens with 60% under 30 who support REMAIN, compared with only 24% who support LEAVE. Among the Pre/Post-War generation 54% support LEAVE and 35% support STAY. We also know young people are less likely to vote with 70% highly likely to vote compared with 88% among the oldest generations. What we didn’t know is…

Young people are becoming steadily more supportive of EU Membership – but it could all come apart in an instant

Depending on your perspective, the campaigns for a remain/withdrawal vote in the EU referendum have had between six weeks (since David Cameron announced the date of the referendum on 20th February) or more than two years (since David Cameron announced that the plan to hold a referendum would be in the Conservative Party manifesto for the…