News and Blog

The Foundation Phase Evaluation – an update

Since the publication in mid-January of the second report on educational outcomes using national administrative data was published, the Foundation Phase has been under considerable media scrutiny. Over the past three years WISERD has undertaken an independent evaluation for the Welsh Government of the Foundation Phase for three to seven year olds in Wales, and will soon be making its…

High Class Discontent: Economic Insecurity and UKIP Support

This blog was originally featured on the British Election Study website. Academic analysis and media commentary have shifted the emphasis in explaining United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) support away from Tory voter defectors towards working class voters, and potential Labour supporters. This was a good corrective to earlier emphases. But has the new focus on…

‘Foundation Phase fails to reduce inequality, says report’ – BBC News

Preliminary results from the Evaluating the Foundation Phase second report for Welsh Government received significant online coverage from local media. ITV – Wales Online – BBC News –

Prof John Hills book launch ‘Good Times, Bad Times: the welfare myth of them and us’ jointly organised by WISERD

One of the UK’s leading social policy experts, Professor John Hills, headlines an impressive panel for a book launch organised by the Bevan Foundation and the Wales Institute of Social and Economic Research, Data and Methods (WISERD). Professor Hills, Director of the Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion at the London School of Economics, will…

Introduction to QGIS: An environment and health mapping workshop

The “GIS for Public Health” 1 day workshop introduces a Geographic Information System (GIS) as a tool for use in public health research. This workshop is aimed at public health practitioners who have little or no experience in using GIS and would like to develop the skills to link spatially referenced data to health data….

WISERD Affiliated Book Published

A WISERD affiliated book entitled ‘Page and Place: On-going Compositions of Plot’, authored by Jon Anderson (Cardiff School of Planning and Geography, Cardiff University) has been published by Rodopi. The book explores how literature can help us understand the nature of the relations between people and place, how humans create connections between their identities and…

WISERD Researcher Vacancy – WISERD Civil Society

WISERD is seeking an experienced researcher to work on a project within the WISERD Civil Society research centre. The project will explore the relationships between participation in higher education and engagement in civil society, especially at the local level; and will consider questions such as: do university graduates play a distinctive role in the institutions…