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Frontpage of "What a 'right to disconnect' from work could look like in the UK" as featured on 'The Conversation' website, it features an image of a person using their phone as they lay on their bed
‘What a “right to disconnect” from work might look like in the UK’.

The UK’s new government has promised to take action to “promote a positive work-life balance for all workers”, and to prevent homes “turning into 24/7 offices”. The risk of “always on” working has grown since the pandemic, with technology meaning that work is often within easy reach. Legislation allowing workers to disconnect from work has been increasingly adopted around Europe, in…

Degrees of demand: a task-based analysis of the British graduate labour market

This study investigates the evolving demand for graduate skills in the British workforce, leveraging a task-based approach with data from the Skills and Employment Survey Series. Focused on the changing importance of job tasks related to graduate skills, the research explores the mapping of these tasks to educational attainment, discerns the price employers pay for…

The future of flexible working. ReWAGE Policy Brief
The future of flexible working. ReWAGE Policy Brief

This policy brief focuses on working time and places of work as key aspects of the future of flexible working. It considers how work organisation, including the time structure, intensity, and location of work, can be managed and developed in the post-pandemic period in ways that meet the needs of both employers and employees across…

ReWage Evidence Paper. The future of flexible working
The future of flexible working. ReWAGE Evidence Paper

This evidence paper focuses on working time and places of work as key aspects of the future of flexible working. It addresses how work organisation, including the time structure, intensity, and location of work, can be managed and developed in the post pandemic period in ways that meet the needs of both employers and employees…

Journal cover
Disability and trade union membership in the UK

Using data from two national surveys, the Quarterly Labour Force Survey and the Workplace Employment Relations Survey, we establish evidence of a robust disability-related trade union membership differential in the UK. After controlling for differences in other personal and work-related characteristics, disabled employees are found to be 3.6 percentage points (12–14 per cent) more likely…

Cover of Information, Technology and People
A flash in the pan or a permanent change? The growth of homeworking during the pandemic and its effect on employee productivity in the UK

Purpose This paper has three aims: Firstly, it puts the pandemic-induced surge in homeworking into context by charting trends in homeworking in the UK since the early 1980s. Secondly, it examines what effect the growth in homeworking during the pandemic has had on employees’ self-reported levels of productivity. Thirdly, it assesses whether the spike in…

Front page of publication with image of woman working at home office
WISERD News: Issue 20

Welcome from the WISERD director Featuring a variety of news from across the WISERD partner institutions and some of the latest additions to the WISERD blog, I hope this edition of WISERD News demonstrates our ongoing contribution to social science research and the ways in which we are influencing policy in Wales. Against a background…