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Title Page of Report
The effects of selecting multiple respondents per household for a survey of people in paid work: A statistical and cost assessment

For PAF based surveys such as the Skills and Employment Survey a decision is needed on the number of working adults to select per household. In the past the SES has always selected just one, with the selection being at random from all working adults in the household. But other options are to select all…

WISERD Research - Covid-19: policy responses and social consequences report - front cover
WISERD Research – Covid-19: policy responses and social consequences

Introduction The arrival of Covid-19 to the UK in early 2020 led to rapid and far-reaching changes in the way we live our lives. ‘Lockdown’ led to school closures and working from home became the norm for many workers. And while most shops and businesses closed, ‘key’ workers and services experienced unprecedented pressures. For the…

Remote Working: A Research Overview (1st ed.). Routledge.
Remote Working: A Research Overview

The coronavirus pandemic forced work back into the home on a massive scale. The long-held belief that work and home are separate spheres of economic life was turned on its head overnight. Many employees were new to this way of working and many employers had to manage a disparate workforce for the first time. This…

Journal Cover
COVID-19 and the labour market outcomes of disabled people in the UK

The economic impact of COVID-19 has exacerbated inequalities in society, but disability has been neglected. This paper contributes to this knowledge gap by providing a comprehensive analysis of the differential labour market impact of COVID-19 by disability in the UK. Using data from the Labour Force Survey before and during the pandemic it estimates disability gaps in pre-pandemic…

Geographical Variations in Trade Union Membership: 2021 Edition
Geographical Variations in Trade Union Membership: 2021 Edition

This Research Note presents new estimates of trade union membership derived for detailed geographical areas across Great Britain. Analysis reveals the wide variations in union density that exist both across the country and within particular regions.  Over the period 2000-2019, union density is shown to vary between 9% in Kensington and Chelsea to 54% in…

Tackling Labour Markets cover
Tackling Labour Market Injustice and Organising Workers: The View from a Northern Heartland

This report, based on 42 interviews with workers, trade unionists and other stakeholders, examines the phenomena of low-paid and precarious work in Sheffield. It focuses on the factors driving the prevalence of such work (including the links with welfare reform), the experiences of workers in seven distinct employment sectors, as well as trade union responses…

Disability and labor market outcomes - first page
Disability and labor market outcomes

In Europe, about one in eight people of working age report having a disability; that is, a long-term limiting health condition. Despite the introduction of a range of legislative and policy initiatives designed to eliminate discrimination and facilitate retention of and entry into work, disability is associated with substantial and enduring labor market disadvantage in…