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Health, Wellbeing and Social Care – Policy Briefing

In this article we explore the ways in which mobile research methods can be utilised to create enabling research environments, encounters and exchanges, generating time and space for participants and researchers to co-generate and communicate meaningful understandings of everyday lives. The article focuses on the use of two mobile methods, guided walks and car journey…

Localities in North Wales: a baseline report

This is the first version of the localities baseline report. The intention is to update the report periodically when new data are released and as the Localities research progresses.

Employment and Training – Policy Briefing

In recent years, the UK Government and devolved governments in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have all stresses the pivotal role of the skills agenda as a key driver in tackling a wide range of economic and social problems. Notably, the Leitch Review of Skills stated that ‘skills is the most important lever within our…

Front page of policy briefing
Crime, public space and policing

Significantly, within the Welsh Assembly Government, all crime, public space and policing matters are housed under the umbrella of community safety and Social Justice. The Welsh Assembly Government’s approach to these matters, from the appointment of the first minister of Social Justice and Regeneration in 2003 has been an attempt to locate responses to crime…

Book cover
Accessing care: Technology and the management of the clinic

In this chapter we focus on our field studies of different clinical spaces in one large UK regional teaching hospital and how they perform different, yet, perhaps, complementary kinds of ‘medicine’: emergency, genetic and critical care medicine. We focus on those moments and processes through which patients do, or do not, gain access to the…

Issue front page
Methodological challenges of researching communities

Welcome to the eleventh issue of Qualitative Researcher – the first to be produced by the new editorial team who are all Cardiff-based staff working in the newly established Wales Institute of Social and Economic Research, Data and Methods (WISERD). So why the changes? For the past four years, Qualitative Researcher has been produced by…

Issue front page
Using film, video and other multi-media for engaging “hard to reach” young people

Increasingly in the field of conducting research based regeneration initiatives in disadvantaged or disengaged communities there is a growing realization of the importance of developing a more egalitarian participatory based approach to the research enterprise and the whole political process that is involved (Bowler et al 2007), i.e. establishing greater dialogue and reciprocity between researcher…

Issue front page
The role of the researcher: when two social worlds collide

Researching marginalised communities is often thwarted by a number of ethical and moral problems. As social scientists, we are driven by the need to develop a greater understanding of how different actors make sense of their social world (Coffey and Atkinson 1996). Yet, representing data on marginalised communities can have many implications; potentially, we can…