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Rural Geography

Rural geography may be simply defined as the study of people, places, and landscapes in rural areas, and of the social and economic processes that shape these geographies. However, as the definition of ‘rural’ has become increasingly difficult and contested, the boundaries of ‘rural geography’ have been tested. Rural geography today is hence a diverse…

Journal Cover
A Study of the Carers Strategy (2000): Supporting Carers in Wales

The Carers Strategies in England and Wales herald opportunities to develop new ways to support carers. This paper reports findings from a five-year study looking at the Carers Strategy in Wales. It presents interview data arising from fieldwork with carers and statutory and voluntary sector staff. Our findings highlight a gap between the positive perceptions…

Publication cover
The Economic Downturn and the Welsh Economy

The Welsh Assembly Government has very few significant levers to pull in an attempt to deal with the effects of the current recession. Many have applauded the actions taken so far but there is still more that could be done, some of which is controversial.

Publication front page
Qualitative Researcher: Issue 10

This is issue 10 of the Cardiff University Qualitative Researcher.   It contains the following articles: Looking Back and Moving Forward Amanda Coffey Using Unconventional Media to Disseminate Qualitative Research Bella Dicks Rachel Hurdley Hearing the City: Reflections on Soundwalking Mags Adams Qualitative Research, Deliberative Inquiry and Policy Making Rob Evans Alex Hillman Gareth Rees…

Publication front page
Qualitative research, deliberative inquiry and policy making

Qualitative research and deliberative methods are increasingly being drawn upon to make citizen voices audible within policy debates. Qualitative research methods contribute to this by privileging the role of local contexts and cultures in shaping meanings and interpretations, focusing on the perspectives and experiences of participants to better understand their worlds. Deliberative methods involve a…

Publication front page
Looking Back and Moving Forward

This issue of Qualitative Researcher contains articles which reflect some of the ways in which Qualiti, the Cardiff Node of the ESRC National Centre for Research Methods has sought to engage with methodological development and research capacity building over the last three years or more. The original aims of Qualiti included advancing innovative and ethical…

Publication front page
Using unconventional media to disseminate qualitative research

This article draws on a project (funded by the Qualiti node of the ESRC National Centre for Research Methods) that investigated the implications of using non-conventional media for representing and disseminating qualitative research findings. It follows a series of previous, ESRC-funded projects investigating the methodological and empirical uses of hypermedia and multimedia for qualitative fieldwork-based…

Publication front page
Hearing the city: reflections on soundwalking

This paper reflects on soundwalking as a methodology for engaging city users in research investigating people’s relationship with soundscapes and the built environment. It refers to two projects on environmental quality and soundscapes in 24 hour cities and considers the affordances offered by soundwalking as method.

Journal Cover
The Impact of the Business Cycle on Occupational Injuries in the UK

This paper investigates the cyclical fluctuations in rates of workplace injury for the UK from 1986 to 2005. Time series analysis shows that, in aggregate terms, the rate of minor injuries is pro-cyclical whilst the rate of major injury is not affected by the level of economic activity. Analysis by sector reveals that cyclical fluctuations…

Journal cover
Welsh Children’s Views on Government and Participation

Qualitative research from Wales sought to explore aspects of children’s views on government and participation. The research project was conducted in 2001 with 105 children aged 8—11 from a diverse sample of schools across Wales. The article first reports the children’s perspectives on different levels (and places) of government: the UK parliament and the Welsh…