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Your search returned 1159 results
Public Choice
Sexual orientation, political trust, and same-sex relationship recognition policies: evidence from Europe

This study uses data from the European Social Survey to analyze the impact of same-sex relationship recognition policies on the political trust of sexual minorities. We exploit temporal and geographical variation in the passage of same-sex relationship recognition policies to test the effect of these policies on the political trust of sexual minorities. Findings suggest…

front cover of paper
The UK Gender Pay Gap: Does Firm Size Matter?

Motivated by the introduction of the UK Gender Pay Gap Reporting legislation to large firms, defined as over 250 employees, we use linked employee-employer panel data from the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings to explore pre-legislation variation in the gender pay gap by firm size. In doing so, we integrate two prominent but distinct…

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Dissent within the global political economy: four frustrations, and some alternatives

While there has been a turn towards incorporating examples of dissent, resistance and alternatives in the Global Political Economy literature, this article claims that there is still a considerable absence of analysis of dissent in and against the global political economy. The authors identify four frustrations (which can be easily turned into suggestions). First, that…

Networked Territories of Language and Nation

Chapter in Language, Policy and Territory. This chapter analyses networked territories of language and nation, noting the shift from academic focus on the histories and times of nations to a geographical attention on landscapes, the importance of specific sites and places, and the significance of territory. Jones uses this more networked interpretation of national territories…

Examining the Political Origins of Language Policies

Chapter in Language, Policy and Territory. Huw Lewis and Elin Royles analyse the origins of specific language policies and trace their development over time. They argue that existing literature on language policy fails to identify how and why particular choices emerge and how these are related to political factors. As a conceptual framework, Lewis and…

WISERD News Issue 19 front cover
WISERD News, Issue 19

Welcome from the WISERD director As we reach the midpoint of our five-year ESRC Civil Society Centre, all our civil society projects are now well underway and a number of longstanding projects are reaching completion. So it is timely that this edition of WISERD News highlights our contribution to social science research and the ways…

Journal Cover
Community-Supported Agriculture Networks in Wales and Central Germany: Scaling Up, Out, and Deep through Local Collaboration

Multiple systemic crises have highlighted the vulnerabilities of our globalised food system, raising the demand for more resilient and ecologically sustainable alternatives, and fuelling engagement in practices such as community-supported agriculture (CSA). In CSA, local farmers and households share the costs and products of farming, allowing them to organise food provision non-commercially around short supply…

Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography
Situating spatial justice in counter-urban lifestyle mobilities: relational rural theory in a time of crisis

The COVID-19 pandemic has renewed the rural idyll, as urban-dwellers seek greener, safer spaces. If the counter-urban trend appears for novel reasons, it does so along lifestyle mobilities’ well-worn paths. These paths often depend upon spatial inequalities. Yet, despite awareness that inequalities undergird mobilities, spatial inequalities have remained under-theorized in the lifestyle mobilities literature. This…