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Your search returned 1155 results
A cover of the journal article for Population Space and Place
Why do Chinese overseas doctoral graduates return to China? The push‐pull factors and the influence of gender and gender norms

Although attention has been paid to return migration internationally, research studies on why Chinese overseas doctoral graduates return to China are few. A study that considers gendered motivations has yet to be found. Using a qualitative study with 31 Chinese overseas doctoral graduate returnees, this study examines factors influencing graduates’ reasons for returning to China…

A cover of The Spectre of Putinism by W. John Morgan
The Spectre of Putinism

The Soviet Union ended on 31 December 1991 and was replaced by the Russian Federation. This raised hopes of a Russia with a market economy and a political democracy where citizens would have equal rights and responsibilities under the constitutional rule of law rather than government by state bureaucracy and a kleptocracy of economic oligarchs….

A poster of seed systems for climate resilient and just food futures report
Seed systems for climate-resilient and just food futures

The global challenges of climate change, biodiversity loss and food injustice call for urgent and radical transformations in our food systems. The seed systems upon which our food depends are a critical component of climate resilience. Farmers and community-based seed savers have been custodians of crop and genetic diversity for millennia and are key players…

Working with local communities to enhance the understanding and interpretation of natural history collections front cover
Working with local communities to enhance the understanding and interpretation of natural history collections

This paper describes key findings of the Rights and Rites pilot project, which aimed to: 1) co-curate new interpretations of bio-cultural specimens from Amgueddfa Cymru’s botanical collections, centering on peoples’ lived-experiences and cultural understanding of the specimens’ country of origin; 2) engage local community groups of Asian heritage with relevant biocultural specimens; 3) encourage dialogue…

The cover for the journal "Qualitative Research"
Face value: Recruitment lessons for research interviews

Advances in online data collection spurred on by a pandemic springboard have been well recognised, but less attention has been given to corresponding approaches in recruitment. This article addresses this gap by examining whether recruitment challenges can be overcome by utilising personalised recordings to recruit interviewees. Developed to engage elite interviewees in challenging circumstances, this…

A cover of The varied landscape of alternative education provision in the UK
The varied landscape of alternative education provision in the UK: a home international comparison

This report provides an analysis of the key differences and similarities in the landscape of alternative education provision (AEP) in the UK. As part of the ESRC-funded Excluded Lives Project, it attempts to illuminate some of the contextual factors that may contribute to the very different rates of school exclusion in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland…

A cover of a research paper titled Children’s Subjective Well-Being During the Coronavirus Pandemic
Children’s Subjective Well-Being During the Coronavirus Pandemic

How did the coronavirus pandemic affect the subjective well-being (SWB) of children? In this paper, we use data from the Children’s World Survey, encompassing 9,684 children aged 9 to 15 residing in nine European countries. Our goal is to evaluate the influence of both material —access to digital communication devices— and immaterial factors —information sources…

Animals Journal
Beyond the Unitary State: Multi-level Governance, Politics and Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Animal Welfare

2024 Forthcoming publication from Animal Welfare from a Cross-Cultural Perspective in Animals. It is argued that extant cross-cultural research on animal welfare often overlooks or gives insufficient attention to new governance theory, civil society, politics, and the realities of devolved or (quasi-)federal, multi-level governance in the modern state. This paper synthesizes relevant social theory and draws on…