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Your search returned 222 results
An evaluation of online GIS-based landscape and visual impact assessment tools and their potential for enhancing public participation: the example of wind farm planning in Wales

Effective information communication and public participation in the planning process are important elements for facilitating successful environmental decision-making. Previous research has demonstrated the importance of these factors for delivering benefits to a wide range of stakeholders in the planning system by increasing the transparency and efficiency of the planning process. Planning information relating to the…

Front cover Living wage report 2010
An Economic Analysis of the Implications of introducing a Living Wage in Wales

WAG’s policies on area regeneration, child poverty, public service provision, equality and workforce development all help Wales move closer towards the vision set out in the One Wales coalition agreement. If introduced, a Living Wage policy has the potential to make a further contribution towards many of these policy areas and the overall One Wales…

In-work Poverty in the East Midlands

In-work Poverty in the East Midlands was commissioned by emda to provide a detailed assessment of the issue of in-work poverty in the East Midlands and its implications for regional economic performance. The research, and this report, is based on four substantive elements: a systematic literature review on in-work poverty; an analysis of the scale…

Report cover
Unified Assessment in Wales: older people with complex needs and their families

This report presents key findings from a recent study looking at the implementation of Unified Assessment (UA) from key stakeholder perspectives, including, older people, their carers and staff working in health and social care organizations. The work was funded by the Wales Office of Research and Development for Health and Social Care. This research was…

Worker representation and consultation on health and safety: An analysis of the findings of the European Survey of Enterprises on New and Emerging Risks

The involvement of workers and their representatives in consultation on arrangements for managing risks to health and safety at work is a key element of the requirements of the EU Framework Directive 89/391. While there are differences in provisions between member states that reflect national differences in regulatory styles and labour relations cultures and practices,…

Education and Young People – Policy Briefing

The Welsh Assembly Government’s approach to education policy has been highlighted as a clear example of the ‘clear red water’ that has emerged between English and Welsh policy. For example, the rhetoric in Wales has stressed the key role of education within the community and the importance of principles such as social justice, universalism, trust…

Housing and Transport – Policy Briefing

There is much housing policy debate in Wales around issues of housing needs, affordable housing supply, the quality of the housing stock, community sustainability and the role and regulation of social housing. The responsibility for most aspects of housing has been devolved to the Welsh Assembly Government (WAG). WAG’s aims for housing are set out…